I'd probably be happy, forever.
In love with the song I won't give up by Jason Mraz ever since I first hear it via Ali's Ipod on mrt today. He always sing great love songs I must say, and personally I enjoy them much more than those Dj/clubbing songs.
Anyway just a sum up of my pretty wonderful holiday, almost 99 percent of chillax and fooling around. I spent so much time playing such that I din't even have enough time for sleeping the whole holiday, but here come the Sunday yo ;) I've decide to enjoy it all I could afford, perhaps the last decent holiday before the As end this year. Now welcome to the trackback of my past week life:
Went to parkway to do the Children- artwork thingy right after the paper on Thursday. ( And oh since we mentioned about exams, I'm sorry that I have no comments for the common test and there's nothing else I could ask for, sub-pass for physics and geography and decent E for the rest of the subjects, oh and perhaps a C/D for math since I have not go below C for math so far. Though the standard is dropping gradually. Alright end of the CT discussion. ) It's quite, delighting (?) to instantly thought of this exact same thing the moment kwek said:" I wanna do something I have never done for 7 years." People should never forget that they were once a child, yes. I think being a child sometimes makes us happy and stop worrying so much about life. Despite that as we grow we are obliged to be mature and set goals for life and be responsible for many decisions we made. So back to this, we happen to make friends with this two cute lil naughty kids around the area whose parents left them 20 bucks while they go shopping. Yeah and I'm still trying to find stitch online, quite curious why they love it so much, especially when it's people close to me who like it.

Saturday was quite a memorable day in life whereby I spend all my saving and extra $600 loan from my mum and purchased my first DSLR in life, 600D with the kit lens. Not that awesome as compare to others but still, it's the most expensive gadget I've ever own in my life. Really want to thank jonathan for squeezing at Suntec hall with me like sardines in the ocean, comparing models and prices ( Though I roughly had made up my mind. ) and most importantly, carried the 5kg damp cabinet all the way to my doorstep despite late for going over to his grandparent's house. Touching friends are touching. (': Pardon me for poor english sentence structure yeah. I always believe that it's always easier to stick to something if you had actually invested a big sum of money in it. ( Maybe this is a wrong mindset but. ) Honestly I have learnt many skills / ' talents ' all my life but I kept none, form sketching to art to abacus to keyboard to ballet and many more which I couldn't even remember, I did not persevere through anything and now, I really hope that photography can become my lifelong hobby, it's always good to have a hobby apart from the busy and stressful life I think. Whereby you make friends who share the same interest as you, hang out together and learn new things. Yeah, so, here you go junting, Start of the journey embarking on photography. I tends to be more conscious when I take photo now, ( of objects generally ) and quite picky and selective when I upload photos, cause I mean like, I don't want to be an idiot who carries a DSLR taking low quality photos and pretend to be an experienced photography, Im not please, I'm far stretched from that. I'm just a rookie of the noob circle in photography, yes but I believe I can improve slowly in time to come, hahaha must have faith in ourselves ;')
Next would be an really awesome stayover at Marina barrage with kwek on Wedneday night. It was suppose to be an light painting and bokeh photography session, however the reality had told me that I was such an beginner in photography that I assume it's simple when I din't even understand fully how they work. So as, unexpected ( Yeah I actually expected it to turn out cool shit and awesome le sigh. ) it was pretty bad cause I neglected the background light when slowing down the shutter speed ( Nah not going into too much details of why I fail. ) While the only successful photo I can present to y'all is the heart bokeh effect which I wasn't really expecting cause I was on the verge of giving up by then, and we were just simply really playing around with it and miracle happened.

I would really say that I learnt a lot through this small things that sometimes, we tends to give up when we are so close to the end point / being success. Honestly I was really glad that after an hour of failing at every photo, really depressed. even the optimist kwek told me to give up. I still clinching onto a tiny strand of hope and decide to give us five more minutes before we officially give in to 'fate'. and it was during that very time when we see light of making the backlights into the shape we desire. perseverance yo junting, don't ever ever give up this year, whatever efforts you put in will be paid off. You never lose the battle until the moment you give up on yourself.

Another highlight of the night was flying the 'kong-ming deng' ( aka sky/wishing lantern? ) First time experience hahaha, though I don't believe in the wishes I wrote coming true just by letting it flies off into the starry sky. But I guess I will work towards it. On a side note today I casually told my mum one of the wishes which I so happen to written down on the lantern. Fair enough I got a bad scolding from for wasting her money spent on me for education and having unrealistic goals that goes against the society, or rather her view of the society. But nah, not gonna blame her, It was really recently that I realise much of the time, the conflicts started off between my mother and I is because she is brought up by the rigid eastern mindset while me, on the other hand is opened up to more and more western ideas and behaviours which is, needless to say, unacceptable to her. Then why make me learn english man, when you want me to just stick to the traditional Chinese way of living and don;t let me pursue what I want. Okay lah forget it not going too deep into that, this post is about happiness. Brush off those bad moments.
The few close friends of mine in my class made our way to Dempsey hill on Friday night which as according to Junhua, was to explore some place new and pay for the ambience of an atas place, which we ended up at Ben & jerry's Fine atas enough, it was my first time having Ben& jerry's, despite overrated it was really delicious. May I try all the ice cream flavours in the world and not get fat. Okay sounds unrealistic, may I just try all and exercise enough afterwards to balance back.
Alright, lastly. A rather poor quality photo produced by my Iphone4s front camera. Damn looks really bad especially after so many high definition photos up in the row. Nevermind. Another great day spent with Ali & Kwek. Despite spending two hours on travelling to NTU for an individual TED event on Pursuit of happiness, I find it really worthwhile listening to the few speakers we paid attention to. ( All of us got distracted and quite restless by the time we sat back in the theatre after lunch, so we left early. ) I had the "omg so damn true" feeling for many of the things pointed out by various speakers. We spend our time focusing on the relative happiness ( eg. compare with friends, neighbours, salaries, jobs. have and have-nots) and forget to measure the absolute happiness we can get around us, for free. ( Etc, oxygen, sunshine, friendship, kinship, love. ) We should really constantly remind ourselves to be contented with what we have and stop complaining, it does nothing good. When things are good, there should be nothing to complain; when things are bad, at least they are not worse, shouldn't complain; when things are worst, since it couldn't get any worse, you shan't complain; when things are getting better, what else is there to complain?
Yes okay maybe I talking non-sense. I really need the last 24 hours of the holiday to, well sorry to disappoint you guys I need to catch up on my sleep. Good night all.
Just to wrap up everything. There are still many other outings / Meet up with friends I had without photos taken, honestly I studied no shit the whole past nine days or so but, I was surrounded by vast amount of happiness I would say. People makes me happy.
May the three of us remain this happy when we get our result next year too, sincerely. Please all study hard and study smart the next sic months.