Just a very quick one cause I have something to vent now, tonight is a relatively sad day upon realising a few problems.
Problem number one, I failed to complete my math notes making today and gave up at chapter eleven.
Problem number two, I realise a strange fact that we are all born to this world knowing nothing, after perhaps seventy years when we finally understand the world as well as ourselves, we are then about to die. Then what's the point of living?
Problem number three, it's chinese new year today and I felt like it's gonna be another shitty day, which might be worse than any other normal day in the rest of the year. Zero cny feel.sigh.
Problem number four, Bad at relationship management ever since break up with G three years ago. pissed at myself.

k sleep now. bye. im not that sad now already, rather tired.


Hanyu said…
今天, 无意间想起了我多年未UPDATE的BLOG,进去逛了逛,跟随着LINK到了你的BLOG.有点意料之外,没想到你还有更新.不像我,这么多年来,爱书如命的习惯依旧不变(不过现在看的都是玄幻,仙侠类的书了.)但对其他事物保持着三分钟热度.不过,这么多年来,我都有保持着WRITING DIARY的习惯.JC没有能让我真正"交心"的朋友.有点感慨,好久没联系了. 话说回来,你是不是换了号码?新年给你发了信息...本想给BINGLIAN也发个,不过我换手机时,丢了她的号.你有她电话不?
新年时,祝你过得快快乐乐,不要那么多愁了,好好的过日子吧.加油哦! ^^
Junting ❀ said…
猛然地发现原来博客上的留言可以回,(刚才没找到回复的键,所以我就去你fb上打了一堆话) 打完之后才发现你的f比死鱼还死,八成你能看到我的留言的概率同等于我地理能及格的概率相等。 我在这儿也回一个吧,看你何年何月能再光顾我的博客一下 说不定就看着了~

小王! 今天才突然看到你在我博客上写的留言(其实屈指一算也不算太晚哈,发现你也是前几天才偶然经过我的博客) 不瞒你说哇,时间把大家消磨的现在写博客的人越来越少了,周围剩的一只手就数的过来了。 我手机号这几来一直更新来着,这回牵线了,终生不改了。8133396~ 大冰也顽强地活着,昨天我还跟她老人家在楼下聊天来着(住得近就是好)。 新年的时候你竟然想起了我实在是让我老泪纵横啊,说真的挺感动的。 JC一年过得好么?话说你现在住哪儿呢啊 ?( 也不知道你猴年马月才能看到这个wall post ) 这么多年你的发型还是毫无创意哇 ( 虽然说好像倒是不扎包子了) 我花了一年多的时间留头发 留到现在还是不长不短,纠结的我都想心一横再剪了算了。 趁着咱们俩都还没被A水准折磨的精神分裂之前 见个面吧~

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