

There's no much purpose of choosing to pose this particular photo but rather
it's the only and latest photo of myself I found in my computer. Awkward hand position hmm.
No editing of basic light 'cause, uh, I'm just too lazy to do so now.

Back to the main issue Oh blogger hi there, I just miss you so much. ):
Fucking hectic project work is draining away all my energy and forcing me to get more vulgar everyday.
It's going two now and I'm proud to say that I'm finally done with all the bloody ppt editing.
C'me on. Shall everything be over soon. But for all I know what comes after will be worse.

Oh did I mention that I'm in the state of bankrupt & all my allowance for the 5 following weeks vanished,
Oh sucks. This is the price to pay for insisting on going to Korean in December w/ four other girls.
Hai why so pathetic from twelve to five now. ): But I want to go.
Though it's still Asia country. Aha seems like I still hadn't step out of Asia yet. :/

Mum's happy everyday cause she's gonna buy a new 5 room flat in Sengkang,
oh yeah, some ulu HDB flat to be area that I suppose it's still a grassland for now.
So uh, will be moving house, again, in 2016. It's been real long since I last moved right.
Like, oh well let me count, have been living at Bedok for 7 years or so already.
Nah, not a tinge of reluctance to leave here, just, too used to moving around.
I don't know how delight it is to be able to purchase a new house but my mum has been
having insomnia the past few days ever since the HDB sent her the letter of confirmation.
Maybe I should stop replying her with "anything" when she ask for my opinion on the new flat,
it's the first time I'd seen her so happy in my lifetime, and well. Then I should feel happy for her too isn't it.

Honestly speaking I like to talk to myself, on blogger I mean.
I like the feeling of typing something that, uh how do I phrase it. Belongs to nobody but me?
Agh whatever I think it's not making sense. Well you can't expect much after two long days of Pw.
Intense pw. Feels like I can memorised the whole WR out already. oh damn.

D's O level just started, a few days back. All the best yo (:
Kayyy, least wish on mind. Hope your school next time not toooo far away from mine?
Issues regarding the future has always been a sensitive topic between us cause it's like, too stressful.
Plus uh, some disputes on views of how future should be like eh?
neh nevermind, no brain cells left to cater to such thoughts that in near future, does not pose any threat, yet.

如果你还不能忘掉他,可能只有两个,时间不够长,或者新换不够好。Oh really?...


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