Peeketure purfeeect ♥

Hey dear, It's me, again. Took some pictures with ali today after air rifle shoot tgt with Jacinth. (:

Time passed, people changes, for the better of cause.
Someone here finally grew a little more matured and starts to plan for her own future.
First ambition when she was still young was actually becoming a teacher, and it din't really change for the past years.
Until recently she realises, Teacher is actually is a sad job. Especially if the students don't listen & there's nothing you can do.
True enough that I'll get a stable salary cause education sector will always be there, you get school holidays,
yearly bonus when the economic is good, and to me personally I get to interact with students, which's great.

But in contrast. It's really disappointing if the students don't give a shit about you when you put in efforts to teach.
I've met different teachers in my life, ranging from ones who I dislike and ones who I really paid respect to.
Guess all in all I'm just not confident enough that I will become a good teacher.
Though I really wish that I could make some positive impact in a group of people's life somehow.
It feels good to help, to guide and to teacher right. But.. Ohwell, I wonder what's holding me back here too.

An alternative job would be working at MFA, did some research on the jobs they provide but it's kind of vague.
What's more all they provide were the good side of it which I believe, is 70% untrue when you really step inside.

But honestly it's no point talking about choosing a future career if I don't even meet any of their requirement,
which in layman's term. Academic results. Mid year results were, 'right I won't say flunk but it's bad.
Almost bottom 200 in level for all the subjects except math.
For a moment I thought passing 4/5 subjects were considered at least 400th ranking in the level and I was so wrong.
Looks like everyone did exceptionally well for mye, so what's with all the I-got-all-Us-last-yr from all the seniors.

Been sleeping real late every night recently. Guess I'm just still not efficient enough,
but there's really damn hell loads of things to study every night. Geog readings took me hours. Sigh.
Need to find ways to either start work earlier everyday ( which by right is achievable ) or be more efficient.
Can I have like, six hours of sleep per night? I'm not asking for much as a JC student right, or was I? ):
Been sitting at first few rows for almost all lecturers with few friends in class, which is good.
I found it much better than sitting at last two rows last semester. Noisy level's high & too far from screen.

Oh dear junting, please don't ever complain about the tedious school work.
You're so much fortunate than those women in S. Africa who are forced into prostitution just to get food.
You're so much fortunate than those kids living in poverty who don't even have clean water supply.
You're so much fortunate than whoever out there struggling with their daily life,
whoever's fighting various illnesses, whoever living in slumps, being exploited for cheap labour.
Take a look at the world around you. Just how bad life could have been if you weren't where you're at now.
At least here in Singapore all is fair. You harvest what you seed. You can almost say the future is in your hand.
So don't ever complain, be happy with life. Have a positive mindset.
No one's asking you to study 24 hours a day. Just make sure you maximise the efficiency.
You will still get to play, to go be out having fun.
But remember, as a student, you're paid to study. And you pay to study. So by all means, study is always the top priority.

I'm done with the brainwash.PERSEVERE TILL THE ANT! :D:D:D:D

PS. Your new hairstyle looks nice, justsaying.


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