nostalgic, all over again.

It's kind of a happening night that zijian talked to me, after.. oh well it's almost an year in fact.
And he brought up ATC somehow, that was, so long ago. Aww man three years.
I remember walking in pairs with ali walking to the camp site that took us at least 30 minutes,
I remember we sing out loud all the NP cheers we can think of along the journey,
I remember the camp fire night, the moment when we raise our heads and we could see the clear starry sky.

In life there're just so many memories that you wish time could rewind and we let it play back again.
There are moments you felt worst than hell, happy like a duck,you cried your heart out,
you felt embarrassed ttm as if whole world is gonna remember you forever for what you did.
But all those memories, are what my life is made up of.
I took quite sometimes looking back all my photos, and each photo I stop by, I think back to those days.
Those stories behind each and every photo of every of us, are just something that can't be shared through words.
It's just like, you were there inside the photo then you know it if not then you don't.

Things that once made you cry now makes you smile,
yet things that once made you smile now can make you cry.
I wish I could thank each and every of my friend, or anyone whom I'd talk to in my life,
that, thank you, for making my life so far, for my past 17 years such a wonderful journey.
Cliche much but, I'd never regret anything I did, cause a point of time, that was exactly what I wanted.
Oh or rather, I shouldn't be regretting cause definitely there are few things I regretted doing,
but it's really of no point, for I chose the path myself and that's how things turn out to be. Then so be it.
I may be wrong, but it was my choice. Chose to be wrong.

There are a number of things I need to clear on my mind in fact,
firstly and utter most importantly, I need and I must get my eom done by tomorrow the latest.
next I really wants to go over to pulau ubin with those old good people again, to do anything. I just want to be with them.
Followed up I hope I cant start catch up with old friends, so what if it's gonna be awkward if we run our of topic,
there are just a whole long list of things I want to tell every friend of mine, of how much I want to thank them for being part of my life,
even after they left, for their memories stayed with me.
Lastly for now, I hope I get to have my virgin try on durian before I turn eighteen, soon :D



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