
Thought of you during Elit lesson in the day .
And think of the times you refer me to others as your Girlfriend .
In my memories , not much , just twice .
1 . We were talking on the phone after you sent me home , ( I forget my keys . )
You saw your friend below my house and I overheard your conver over the phone .
He asked how come you were here , And you told him "Oh I sent my Girlfriend home"
2. Took bus home with you at night and I left my phone on the bus ,
you called my phone and told the nice guy on the other line ,
"This phone is my Girlfriend's , can you return it to her ?"
Don't know why these just popped into my mind on the way home ,
But I know I felt really sweet after hearing you said them .
And I miss them now .
I miss the days when we love each other and we're able to make each other smile every day .