Lil miss foxes

It's from a story written by one of my favorite writer :D :D
Met at 11.45 ( though im late for 15minutes ) , Ate burger king .
we were like so dumb , we go inside Bk and come out go mac den go back Bk :D
And we spend th next 1hours zi lian -ing in th Cs toilet , Hahahah
I saw this very Chiozxzxzx earing , but dint buy in th end .
Lucky I dint buy , cos now Both of my ear hole closed -.- Damn .
Went to Mandy's aunty shop after that , without Hazel :D
It's damn bloody hot that day as I remembered , Hahaha .
And I brought this dress / top , and I start to regret 10 mins after that ;O
So she pass me wind breaker with her office logo behind to act as one employee there ,
Then when got customer approach to me , I will refer them to her .
But oh well , she is like so damn slack . This is what happens when customer go to her .
Customer : Excuse me , may I check th air ticket ?
She : To ?
C : ( Say th destination . )
She : When ?
C : ( say th date .)
She : Full booked ( While playing Happy farm on Fb on th comp )
C : Ohh i see , then how abt ( Another date . )
She : Also full booked . ( Stil playing . )
C: Totally no slot ?
She : Yeah all fully booked
C : Thank you then ( Walk away . )
Like LOL , hahha . Then went home after that .
Ysd wanted to watch MULAN , but I got cramp in th end . Grr -.-
And Tofu was like calling me at nite ask me Ton @ Airport .
But I was already on bed , and well I'm a good girl :D :D :D
Woke up super early today to chiong home and packed up ,
Trainign at 8 in th morning , r-o-a-r . That's all about it ,
Spot me in th Picture belooooow ! I'm so cuteeee ! :D
