going crazy ; shingz

I'm seriously going crazy , like wtfuck , I seriously dont want this to happen .
Like so .. Immature , -.- being controlled by a guy ? Literally , perhaps he dont even know at all .
He wont know without msging him an hour is enough to make every of me get messed up untill I see his reply .
He wont know because of him I can't focus on anything else .
This is so totally bullshit , This isn't th way i initially want it to happen right .
Shingz -.- Me become uncontrollable of her own action for a guy ? Wtf .
Omg , so not me . But painfully , it's a fact now .
Today is a very normal day , oh wait not really ,
I felt extraordinarily hard to breathe when you're not replying ,
and total emptiness all of a sudden . Like you vanished ...
Moved over to my xy's house , won't see her damn face . Good .
Went to Marina berrage ( It's damn fucking hot in th afternoon ) But th view is nice .
Played Pool with tialalala afterwards , suck at it .
And now all it brings is Backache to me . Grr .
Fuck .
I need a exit .