disappointment .
totally what the fuck , things are just not right these few days .
I dint want to talk back at you you know , not just because you're pregnant ,
but you were the one who I thought understands me , you're my closest kin ...
yet you are just becoming like an adult , just like how my mother is ,
I felt nothing but disappointment , and sorry , I dont mean to talk back at you ,
I never wanted to , I'd never talk back at you for the 16 years of my life ,
I'm sorry . But sorry I just couldn't hide my feeling anymore .
Since when , did you changed ? ):
Forget about it , what's done is done .
I'm already having my problems balancing my life without him now ,
Stop assuming we're still tgt and kp me every fucking day , please -.-
You ask me why I dint tell my mum that we're no longer tgt ?
Why don't you ask yurself ? Do you think she damn believe me ? -.-
She will just say It's a dman excus and continue to kp even more .
Forget about it , 2012 is a holy great movie ,

But honestly , I dont think any mankind will survive if this really strucks earth .
Sitting in th cinema , I wondered what will I do if I knew tmr is th last day .
You won't appreciate me go find you and tell you I want to spend th last day with you isn't it .
What's more , my DEAREST xy and my mother wont approve it anyway ,
They love me , I know . They dont believe I really love him I know ,
they think it's jsut some kind of puppy love , some immature kids thingy .
But somehow , It's not , not to me , I wish it was ,
then I dont have to face these shit everyday now ,
I wish I can just let go of you too ,
Seriously I've zero interest in torturing myself -.-
Okay come back to the movie , it's a sad one , but also touching one .
It showed one thing , somehting invisble , something called Love .
Love from a father to his child , Love from a husband to his wife ,
But the sad thing here is , People only show their love when it come to the end .
I think Its scary , if the end of world really comes one day .
And it will come , just perhaps after I die ,
Global warming , deforestation , melting of ice bergs ,
Those are warnings to mankind isn't it ,
Okay I dont think I've a right to judge humans here ,
I mean I do litter here and there and I waste paper too :X
OH well .
signing off (:
I dint want to talk back at you you know , not just because you're pregnant ,
but you were the one who I thought understands me , you're my closest kin ...
yet you are just becoming like an adult , just like how my mother is ,
I felt nothing but disappointment , and sorry , I dont mean to talk back at you ,
I never wanted to , I'd never talk back at you for the 16 years of my life ,
I'm sorry . But sorry I just couldn't hide my feeling anymore .
Since when , did you changed ? ):
Forget about it , what's done is done .
I'm already having my problems balancing my life without him now ,
Stop assuming we're still tgt and kp me every fucking day , please -.-
You ask me why I dint tell my mum that we're no longer tgt ?
Why don't you ask yurself ? Do you think she damn believe me ? -.-
She will just say It's a dman excus and continue to kp even more .
Forget about it , 2012 is a holy great movie ,

But honestly , I dont think any mankind will survive if this really strucks earth .
Sitting in th cinema , I wondered what will I do if I knew tmr is th last day .
You won't appreciate me go find you and tell you I want to spend th last day with you isn't it .
What's more , my DEAREST xy and my mother wont approve it anyway ,
They love me , I know . They dont believe I really love him I know ,
they think it's jsut some kind of puppy love , some immature kids thingy .
But somehow , It's not , not to me , I wish it was ,
then I dont have to face these shit everyday now ,
I wish I can just let go of you too ,
Seriously I've zero interest in torturing myself -.-
Okay come back to the movie , it's a sad one , but also touching one .
It showed one thing , somehting invisble , something called Love .
Love from a father to his child , Love from a husband to his wife ,
But the sad thing here is , People only show their love when it come to the end .
I think Its scary , if the end of world really comes one day .
And it will come , just perhaps after I die ,
Global warming , deforestation , melting of ice bergs ,
Those are warnings to mankind isn't it ,
Okay I dont think I've a right to judge humans here ,
I mean I do litter here and there and I waste paper too :X
OH well .
signing off (: