Summer Lab .

( H O LI D A Y )

Tag Replies :D

Jasmine: Yo! Holiday I super busy lo ): But i wan go out wiv u & wwt !
Jacinth: Haha thank you :D Lol ! I LOVE IT TOO !
esther: okay reply semo ? I forget ! D:
Marisa (: hmm kay kay l8r l8r (:
Jocelyn: Lol Topshop; since i told u de whole story in sch ler shall not crap here :D
zhidan: I think i wan use de bear bear holding radio de ? ._.
licia: Lol. oya i haven go see ur skin (:
Sherrie: lol . suan le change bah change bah (: change to !

Lol ! HI EVERYBODY ! :D Anyone misses me ? (:
Result's out . I think i got study leh , budden its stil far away from top 15 .
GRR . most happy with geog coz its kinda unexpected .
Careless lots lots on math & amath ): Awws i noe how to do de loh ! D:
Okiie anw my pathetic holiday ): Don be deceived by de happy happy photo on top .
My whole holi taking away cca , extra lessons & project left like 5 days ?!
If take a way wkends dhen only left ONE DAY Wow so much how arh ?! -.-
GRRR & evy cher is like giving hw-s like no mother liddat ):
DAMMIT ! I suddenly love to sing tgt wiv val . Haaaa ! :D
Her voice can cover up my off-tune voice (:
Toopid jokes
有一天,有只公鹿越跑越快,跑到最后 ,它就变成高速公鹿了。




Okay its dumb . :D But i like .

ps. I really like to hear ur voice , but it seems so far away .


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