Did I woke up too early or something ? My msn has zero online rate .
Oh well ; tat's not important anw . Wanted to go church today since she's out .
But couldn't upon realise I got tons of hw to catch up / not yet complete .
All de from 4 wks ago de homeworks to last friday . Oh my ! ):
( But I alys forget tis fact when I'm sitting infront of de study table )
Was thinking of going library to study but in order not to let my mother kp & go call G again ;
I decide not to , but he isn't working = I'd to see his face whole damn day ):
Nevermind I shant complain anymore , atleast I can use comp now :D
Spent de last 30min betting race in pet society
Apparently my munny is being eaten up ): tsk , gamble is no good .
Oh well getting engrossed in pet society nowaday , its lvl 7 now baby :D
I realise my sense of 'betting which pet run faster' sucks D:
Who cares ? I suddenly feel like playing maple , gosh !
Wat's wrong with u Junting ? Come back to sense larhs .
anw I've decided , I'm NEVER EVER going to use bet to win coins again !
Cos I keep losing ):
Apparently now I'm not in de mood to type anything ,
So I'll go play maple / audi / pet society . ( & I'm thirsty . )
edited . maple got patch ; so I'm back here .
Shall cont about ysd , I noe I shouldn't msg u anymore ,
I noe I dont have de right to msg u again , But me , de thick skin one .
Stil went to msged , hmms , feeling bimbotic . Oh well .
Dhen texted alot , was literaly crying over every single msg u sent .
Is seriously like when u show tat U no longer care abt anything anymore ,
I cried cos I'm sad that its over just liddat .
Yet when u start to show concern ,
I cried cos I realise I lost someone cares so much abt me .
GRRRR contradicting myself de whole nite til my eye's really dry & went to sleep .
Alright patch is done ; but I forget de password . Forget it D: