( When the rain comes . )

I'm back blogging , after for an eternity . Okay tat's so unrealistic .
Now I'm really at a lost , It's a must to find out wat's my freaking problem .
Urghh , anw I realise I'd been using this skin very long ler . ( random )
Okay , today marks the end of term one of my secondary three life of year 2 0 0 9 .
With a wonderful L1R5 of TWENTY-FOUR . Yesh 2 4 . Overall % 60.15 .
I admit I only put in 20% effort . But I'm really in a kinda helpless situation .
Wad can I do ? Entirely nothing . O I got Godly C5 for chi ;
CHINESE . CHINESE . CHINESE . CHINESE . ): Why don't u jus go die Junting ? D:
I'm lying if I say I'm not pissed off at myself .
I'm really helpless ): What else can I do to myself ?
I can't concentrate without your presence , Neither can I focus when u'r right here .
Life can't goes on liddat any longer , 这一次我真的要在这该死的爱里窒息了 ):

ARGHHH If I ever touch love after I can get over this , ( which possibly wont )
I will call myself a idiot for the rest of my life ,
Ysd when I tell mushroom abt it , He was lyk when de feel comes 你想挡也挡不住的 .
Crap , I swear I will never give myself any chance to came across love again D:

我又不是变态, 不需要再一次这样虐待自己 .

Dont get the wrong idea ,
My point is I'd never regret meeting u on that nite ,
If there's another chance , I will still choose to love you ,
But perhaps , like what he said , we'd started everything too fast .
Tat's why we had so much problems now , quarreling nearly everyday .
Which I suppose , I dont like it , so dont u . Do u ?
So If there's another chance , I will spend a longer time to read u .
Til someday we wil be ready for a relationship , without all the quarrellings .
Tat's de only thing I'd regret . But wat's the point ? Crying over spilled milk .
Sorry baby , for letting oursleves into this state now ):

Alright I dont want to get myself emotional again .
But before I end off .

I think this photo is really nice , no sarcasms . ( Sorry for posting w/o permission )
Even though my heart contracted when I see , but stil , Its so cute . (:
Back to my result . . . . . Okay Im not in the mood .
Reply of tags . . . . . Sorry I'm also not in the mood .

& I'm so jealous of mushroom playing on piano ysd D:
Tat two song is so freaking nice ( esp the fers one )
Rar ! I wish I can play a song for u , but forget it D:
My pathtic 0.00% music talent ):


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