Everything comes to an end , somehow .
Years back I alys dont understand why peepo break-up when they love each other so much .
Now I could finally , understand their feelings . ( Argh I feel old . )
当你不能给你爱的人幸福,而是毫无休止的争吵时, 你会宁愿选择离开 .
This is the final conclusion I drew from the relationship we shared .
When the person you love had changed . You felt it too , dont you ?
Now u should noe how I feel , Its been hard . Really hard .
When the person is the exactly the same but yet no longer the one you once knew .
I'd rather leave than to quarrel again , hurting each other as if we weren't loving each other .
/ - .
Time now is 18.27 , And I'm back as a blogger .
Now talk about my holiday ,
Monday - Tampines stadium . Blank .
Tuesday - Performance , NYAA , VS captain ball , & _____ .
Wednesday - Library ( Homeworks )
Thursday - Performance , Presents , & _______ .
Friday - Performance , X-country relay .
Dont looks like a holiday , but stil I'm contented .
I can sleep til 9 everyday (: Okay except for tue & fri .
So its stil nice . And so , my studies .
I wil be out of my mind if I say tat I'm going to leave it liddat .
Yet I'm sure joking if I say I gonna work hard .
In fact I duno what can I do about it . Lost of directions .
I'm tired . I'd been alys wanting to find a day and give myself a rest .
But I spent all my time on meaningless stuffs everyday ,
Which in turn made my life seems busy .
And worst of it , all these meaningless things I did used up all my enegy .
I am tired .