I read it over and over again , with tears runs down my cheek each time .
It was de msg I once sent to you isn't it ? U stil hadn't delete it .
U still rmber it don't you ? We hadn't forget everything had we ?
I duno what to reply , I really duno . What else can we do ? ):
I really felt so sorry for not being able to give u de love I wanted to give .
Days before u finally admit u love me again ; I tot all de hardtime had ended .
We will stay happily tgt , jus like a normal couple in love , like what I alys prayed for .
But things just didn't turn out tis a way , tis time round ;
Its out of of ability to do anything or to change anything . Fuck ):
I'm at a lost of words now .
I'll continue read de msg over & over again , crying , til I piece up words to reply you .
我想我会一直爱下去, 直到很久很久. 你呢?