LOL! mogu mogu how could u ?! :D
i dint expect u to reali go & make a blogskin for me can ._.
haii; paiseh lah seriously cant tell u'r such a KIND mogu frm ur look
HA, jus joking :]
anw gosh tis means after i spent 2 whole afternoon & finally complete de tis blogskin
will be changed again as soon as mogu on9 & send me her blogskin for me. :X
aiya, mogu! D:
害我自己做这么久, 你才跟人家讲 '哦!我帮你了'
咳;真是不负责任的蘑菇 :]

budden anw thanks luh :D :D see lah ur so SERIOUS de look
make me tot u die die oso wont help me liaos :'(
tmr laobu taking my lappy to repair ._.
means all my 600 musics; 500 photos; etc all gone liao D:


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