as rain.drops

lol today accidently went out wiv zhenzhu again again again ._. lyk a chain for duno how many days already can? :X hahas; anw SO, we today kee siao & went to east coast park cycled de DT cycle, played wiv de sand [so wad if we'r deprive? ] :D haha, actually is i drag her to play wiv me :D opps, den ate ate ate again ._. oppps,
we did a super duper large de poster on de sand lo to show we'd been there. budden it rain afterwards, i assum tat its no longer there now (: ha, den after tat walked bac to my home den my parents @ home oso; tok abit about de class combine :]
anw i was thinking of wasteeee two space on triple sci den de rest two double, lyk DUH?
lols. tmr is de last day sch eh?last dya of 2J'08 staying tgt as a more.after tmr;
tat's so out of de blue can, lyk i dont reali get it tat
oh no more sch after tmr, no more 2j'08, all ended, jus lyk before.
awwws, tis yr alot thing change again,anw de onli thing tat's constant is change.
wad do i expect? ha, i jus randomly think of a few lyrics as we go on, we'll rmber, all de times we had tgt.
but oso; alot things i totally dont wan it to change, y mus it go off track :'(
de happy happy post shall end wiv de blog owner buay shong-ing -.-
i decide to change my thinking & think about de classes instead;
i mean its lyk alot peepo had decided.
budden once again i oso duno wad to choose ._.