wat am i thinking tis few days ._. wad crap;
& anw ysd is 50% damn happy & 50% damn kns :X
fersly, get promoted :D
dhen kns my dear phone kena confiscated by seow siao
dhen he give to tweeety; dhen tweety gib to OT aka mr teo :'(
u toopid bloody peepo ._. okie wadeva;
im still alive without a phone :)
dhen after tat find tweety; i was lyk my parents overseas;
after considering my family thingy; she believed.
& dhen she say 你给我写一个保证书;我帮你拿回咯 ._.
so-called settled;
dhen oya mid-autumn celebrate.
think got mediacorp peepo come dhen evyone siam siam :D
chio bu chang e-s; got 2 from np derh, MUAHAHA! :D
today went to library studied wiv licia laogong ._.
toopid ljs; if i eva step inside & eat anithing again! im NOT pillow luhh!
dun even feel lyk touching de computer these days,
retard ._.


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