twoo pics took wiv licia @ toilet
[edited] (:

okie sooo today went to pasir ris wiv licia, sammie & pearlyn
SUPPOSE to do geog & sci project
ended up eat mac & take neo & shop around (:
dhen last min started to do de poster :X
today wake up so darnnn drama lorh;
ysd nite i tell my laobu i today got project,
dhen my laobu today 6.30 shout & shout to wake me up,
dhen i oso dreaming tot got sch so i wake up;
dhen 5 min later i was lyk laobu! u wake me up for wad uh?
"uh? tot u got project?"
LOLOL! not now luh, walaos ._.
so i continue go bac to sleep ._. so DOTs luh
dhen after tat i woke up its lyk sooo BRIGHT.
dhen im lyk ORH SHIT! 9.47 liao;
suppose to meet peepo @ 10.30 derh luhh.
so i chionged out,
dhen after tat licia say meet fers,
so i wait & wait & then she came :X
den aiya blah blah; we went to mac ._.
its lyk wat the hell...
derh dum dum project is on std -.-
DOTs luh; sumore now com bac stil need do research on
how to use CONDOM -.- & de gudd & bad abt using de toopid thing
KAOS, i dun wan do luhh ._. ROARs!
oya we took neo print :D
budden since i no scanner ._. cant show liao :X
nothing much after tat; dun expect me to type evy single thing :D
& GOSH mandy jus now called me
& so tan bai derh say wad u wan for bdae;
i m lyk i wan derh pig pig :D {since she is @ more den words,
dhen she say 4.50 too cheap cant :X its on behalf of de sec2s :D
so im lyk derh tetty bear keychain :D
dhen after tat i was lyk asking her help me buy de pigpig;
i pay her on monday :X
dhen she is lyk i bought both
muahahahal thank uuu peepo (:


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