sooooo cute ham ham (:
uh, back from jonathan's house :X
whole day wasted on derh potatoo making wiv mr.SHIH SIONG & jonathan;
ji rich yi xai, got maid; & wat's more, tonnnnns of vcd;dvd;cd. :D
sooo gudd luhs :D
& dhen i borrowed happy birthday from him;
dint realise its not even opened before until after tat com out frm his condo
DOTs; so yeap, im watching now (:
its a sweet sweet storyline budden abit drag luhh :X
so tried our final product budden its uh...
okie peepo, its edible :D HEHEHE
eating oreo cheese cake now (:
budden dun seems as nice as ysd ._.
maybe i shldnt eat so often; or else, nice food'll rot too..
gudd things shldnt com all at a tym; i'll get tired & numb derh.
anw dun go too deep over a cheese cake bah (:
today i realised two things :D
- jonathan LOVE prawn & he eat veri slow
- shih siong LOVE chicken wing & he eat veri fast
okie before i CONTINUE
i recieved a phone call jus now from "police"
& basically throughout de whole thing i tot ish prank;
now com to think of it i think its real ._. opps;
derh conver is lyk, starting from him
hi gud evening
hi gud evening im calling from singapore police department?
huh? lol? dots,
uh do u mind me askin u a few qns?
orh, yes? [i tot is PRANK;so im lyk agreed to see wat's de joke]
r u a student?
okie, did u visit a 5 start hotel when u r overseas?
[he repeated]
oh no.
okie, dhen do u think sg changi airport is better dhen other county's?
er no.
okie r u a working class?
okie r u a singaporean chi?
no, malay.
okie thank u bb
so from derh above conver; i sorta concluded tat
there is no prank in it yet its not resal police ._.
okie watsoeva it is,
& kns tmr meeting up for ysd de project again.
& i haven do my research on derh toopid condom -.- thingy.
GOSH; if i doin halfway my laobu com see
i as well jump down luh ._.
uh, back from jonathan's house :X
whole day wasted on derh potatoo making wiv mr.SHIH SIONG & jonathan;
ji rich yi xai, got maid; & wat's more, tonnnnns of vcd;dvd;cd. :D
sooo gudd luhs :D
& dhen i borrowed happy birthday from him;
dint realise its not even opened before until after tat com out frm his condo
DOTs; so yeap, im watching now (:
its a sweet sweet storyline budden abit drag luhh :X
so tried our final product budden its uh...
okie peepo, its edible :D HEHEHE
eating oreo cheese cake now (:
budden dun seems as nice as ysd ._.
maybe i shldnt eat so often; or else, nice food'll rot too..
gudd things shldnt com all at a tym; i'll get tired & numb derh.
anw dun go too deep over a cheese cake bah (:
today i realised two things :D
- jonathan LOVE prawn & he eat veri slow
- shih siong LOVE chicken wing & he eat veri fast
okie before i CONTINUE
i recieved a phone call jus now from "police"
& basically throughout de whole thing i tot ish prank;
now com to think of it i think its real ._. opps;
derh conver is lyk, starting from him
hi gud evening
hi gud evening im calling from singapore police department?
huh? lol? dots,
uh do u mind me askin u a few qns?
orh, yes? [i tot is PRANK;so im lyk agreed to see wat's de joke]
r u a student?
okie, did u visit a 5 start hotel when u r overseas?
[he repeated]
oh no.
okie, dhen do u think sg changi airport is better dhen other county's?
er no.
okie r u a working class?
okie r u a singaporean chi?
no, malay.
okie thank u bb
so from derh above conver; i sorta concluded tat
there is no prank in it yet its not resal police ._.
okie watsoeva it is,
& kns tmr meeting up for ysd de project again.
& i haven do my research on derh toopid condom -.- thingy.
GOSH; if i doin halfway my laobu com see
i as well jump down luh ._.