PEEPO IM BACK in one piece still (:
i got sooo much to say tat i duno wad to start wiv;
well, fers day :D

suppose to reach sch by 8,
BUT me chiong out of my house @ lyk se7en? :X
& anw after tat me, sarah & licia check all de things;
dhen sarah took out her belt & i saw it
& i nearly screamed & yea i shouted
OMFG; i forget to bring my belt!!
so it goes lyk morning i took taxi to sch;
after tat took taxi bac to home take belt;
dhen take taxi com bac again.
GOSH, duno how much i wasted on de darnnn taxi fare :'(
dhen anw fers day de sec ones'r there too (:
oya shall intro my group MARS :D
de mars bars includes jojo, hazel, pearlyn & mee :D
& ofcos derh sec one luhh (:
actually fers day nothing much;
cos its lyk we were jus practising de fancy drills :X
& oya, i'm glad to announce tat.. [drumroll!]
i fainted for de FERS TYM in my lyf (:
actually i oso duno y i'll faint loh,
we were jus lyk doing rifle drills ._.
dhen i felt abit dizzy;
at fers i tot nvm derh loh :X
dhen after tat reali veri very lyk how do i put it leh..
uh... sorta cant take in air luhh,
so im lyk sgt, can i rest awhile? i....
okie well i fainted after i said 'i'
soo DOTs luhh ._.
dhen after tat when i heard sir say wad uh;
put poncho under her head, blah blah :X
okie its damn shong when i gain bac sense loh. :D
its lyk i was sleep dhen woke up,
all de rifle drill is a dream liddat :X
i found it so funny tat de moment i opened my eyes;
i started laughing lyk a retard ._.
whereas evyone was lyk worrying & saying jt u okie mah? :D
opps peepo :D thanks for so guan xin anw (:
thy mandy & i forget hu SARAH arhma for catching me when i faint :D
if not, my head will BANGGG on de hard hard floor
& tat's it, i'll bcm stupid-er liao lorh :X
uh ya, as i was saying ..
cant rmber much about fers day liao;
all i could rmber is i ate nothing but maggie meeee for 2 days
oya fers nite we sleep in tent tat's pitched
PROUDLY by ourself :x
its better dhen i tot actually ;
i tot it wil be veri warm, veri hot, veri dirty, veri muddy.
actually its okie okie ._.
so i spent twoooo nite wiv my licia laogong;
GOSH, sleep side by side ._. on derh fers nite nia :D
orh licia~ :D HAHAHAHA;

dhen i shall skip skip to 2nd day
we hike-d from sch to bedok reservior & bac to sch;
wiv our backbags :X
dhen halfway started raining, so we all chiong to derh nearest toilet;
snrs & sir are SOOOOOO LAMEEE lorh! :D
was lyk showing BLACK MAGIC which is totally.. DOTs;
after we walk onee whole round, we finished up 2 watermelons :D
for de 2nd one; they were lyk cant use knife to open
so mee & my laogong used simply fork&spoon
dhen die die piak it into half :X
& licia is now OFFICIALLY npsec2s derh miss我的美人 :D

dhen cos its lyk for threee days we ate can food & maggie meee;
i nearly tot i'll become a maggie mee luhh :X
& its all curry & curry & curry, GOSH;so FAT )':
field cooking its funn anw :D
we so got mo qi tat is alys
mee go up take rations,etc.
jojo start fire :D
hazel wash utensils :D
pearlyn keep de things & open cans :D
& dhen afternoon snrs asked us to change to full uni;
im lyk NOOOO! changing parade? :'( NOOO!
so wiv a broken heart, i chionged to change;
dhen realise we jus change for rifle drill,
heng erh,heng erh (:
budden sir scolded us seriously upside down loh,
for our uniform & esp one of us derh :'(
overall stil okieee,
peepo are not all as fierce as i tot (:
hehe,dhen we got a CAMPFIRELIGHT @ nite :X
:D JOLENE OSO DAMN CUTEEE! :D as in blur blur de cute (:
HAHAHA, :D :D :D :D all laugh lyk siao lorh ._.
dhen oya oya i tio toopid TURTH & DARE TRUTH
im lyk LOLOL! WHURRRRR? ._.
._. tampines ._.
no?i nvr even go to tampines wiv ani guy alone before loh ._.
i mean is lyk.. if, IF reali got soo wun go tampines wad ._.
my laobu there loh, watmore; I NEVER loh! :X
dhen sgt weiting was lyk did u had a boyfren? ._.
so i think & think i decide to tell derh godly TRUTH;
LOLOL,im such a gudd cadet lorh :X
dhen played sum games :X
all laugh till damn UNGLAM lorh :D
tat end derh second day too, after return derh pumpings :D

basically for 3rd day
left nothing much but cleaning up liao :D
snrs say tat derh toilet ish super duper clean
budden i dint get de chance to see de sparkling toilet.
after all its fun & tiring
& oya MARS won derh BEST CAMP TEAM :D
& oya surprisingly, i'm derh BEST CAMPER :D
yea peepo they dint gibb to derh wrong peepo :X
ish meee LCP GUO JUNTING (:
muahahahaha; ji touched :D
actually i reali loveeee derh camp,
& mandy, did we got mroe & more mo qi nowadays? :D
hahaha,so yeap;
tho sumtyms its annoying, tiring, tio tekan;
budden after so much; i love derh 12 gals more & more :D
its such a sweet sweet camp, (:


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