happy birthday to myself peepo (:
fers; i would LOVE to thank those hu wished me in msges :D

licia.LAOGONG; 11.58pm (:
pearlyn.NO1 GALFREN; 11.59pm (:
jason.UNCLE; 12.00am (:
shihao.ZHUTOU; 12.00am (:
huibin.REY; 12.02am (:
sammie.sweet laopo; 12.03am (:
valerie; 12.05am (:
jonathan; 12.14am (:
j'lene; 12.14am (:
tofu.TOFU; 5.50am (:
jocelyn.940; 6.09am (:
xiaoyi.LOVE; 6.10am (:
sarah.AHMA; 6.15am (:
qianying.LAOPO; 6.21am (:
jiamin.SUNNU; 6.26am (:
weiting.SWEETIE; 6.40am (:
hazel; 6.41am (:
jasmine.SWEETIE; 6.50am (:
zhidan.SUNNU; 7.09am (:
mandy.CHAOFAN; 7.18am (:
tyngwoei.MINE; 7.20am (:
kelvin; 8.35am (:
gwen.BUNNY; 9.01am (:
mr tay.PATRICK; 9.42am (:
qingying; 7.16pm (:
zixing.SUNZI; 7.16pm (:
hanyu; 7.18pm (:
laobu.MAMA; 7.18pm (:
wendy; 7.17pm (:
binglian; 7.57pm (:
[from qingying-wendy tym ish wrong c'z hp batt flat]

uh, & thanks for all derh presents toooo (:
so peepo im born on 1993-09-08-21-55 :D
okiee today uh; ish lyk derh fers day of sch loh,
& ji gan dong; cai tou spare us c's its my birthday fers day ._.
dhen uh though home econ is screwed,
i still enjoy myself :D
anw oso cant blame him; so yeap nvm :D
dhen left sch early go ICA to make IC ._.
its lyk so dots; jus turn 15 dhen chiong chiong go make liaos,
after tat bugis-ed wiv my xiaoyi (:
dhen ate alot alot alot alot alot alot alot alot food :X
dhen gain lyk duno how much much kg luhh, ._.
dhen ji thanks my xiaoyi wor;
she was lyk teeling my laobu i failed my english,
on my beloved birthday; so she is now; ofcos.
KAOPEI-ing meee :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
lalalalala, kao luhh kao luhh asshole,
懒得理你; ._.


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