bored ._. 2more hrs to step out of de house;
was on9 since de moment my laobu step out of de house :D
okay standard ._.
jus now playing maple, so dots :D
zhutou wanted to do gpq lo, so he was lyk tell his baby { gm
make my happ do one time mah~
dhen i LMAO infront of my comp ._.
sound sooooooo ahem can?

okie wadeva ._.
tho i stil got alot bian tai tuition hw to do;
i decide to relax & enjoy now (:
ysd nite my mind was running through sum past events;
i had alys been askin myself;
wat if i dint tell him about all these on tast day?
will we still be apart?

ofcos thinking bac of de past is sumthing painful;
i could no longer change it,
in fact; form de moment i did it, there is no U-turn :X
okay y am i crapping these? ._.
sound so unlikely to com out form de GREAT pillow :D
fine,change topic :D

im still deciding how shld i devide to remaining tym for eoy ._.
i got sooo much soooo much to memorise;
esp sci, phys erh bio erh chem erh
jus toopid paper consist so many things for wad? D:
dhen i needa study for all! SEE LUH! D:
de poor pillow have to suffer :'(
anw, 10years; its a promise (:


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