lalas.iLOVE de light

mini mahjong. [ cute]

my fers tym in 2008 take NEOPRINT

looks clearly lehh.猪蹄 bcm frozen meat
奶茶 bcm ice blended.[LOL]

our wonderful score of 1st attempt- 3
2nd attempt 28. [de ball stucked]

iLOVE de colors man :D

see our BIG BIG j t?

yeap so i went out wiv 奶茶 ysd tho its suppperrr out of random :D
supposingly meet at 12.30.budden cox when i gt to mrt.
i saw de GUITAR grp.YEAP.include de 海虫 [OMGosh]
so wei ler they all.i have to miss 2 MRTs :X
im so noble.okie nvm anw 奶茶 is LATE too (:
we tot we`ll go WATCH MOVIE
BUT cox de tym is lyk ....[dot dot dot]
so we went to de ZONE bishi bashi x3 & datona
& ofcox our PROF. bball :D
den eat at mac.saw tricia & duno & duno [ahsian]
i juz added her on friendster few days ago.
tsk so chio -.- [UNFAIR]

den we QUEUE for de damn bowling n cox is sooo long
we walk up n down de escalator for lyk 20 tyms?
or more than tat in ee end we so freaking tired go back
our name is still-.- [SO FAR]
so we gibb up :X
went bac to white sand.after wasting duno abt 3hrs at DTE
shoooo~we fly back to white sand luhhs

shop.walk.saw sgt weiting & rachael [or isit vivien]
gosh i 4gt.-.- & a ?? guy behind `em
n yeap io finally after soooo long.
bought de belated bdae present for my dear 老婆 aka 小白菜
(: related to wat eunice gibb her awwwws
den? den? den?

OYA n we goin bac tat tym we saw SHERMAY NAR
she lost her wallet [AGAIN?]
den she wan go ticket office.i wan go home.
so we SHI TOU JIAN DAO BU ar ..[n ii LOSE -.-]
we walk all de way there.n yeap.its CLOSED.
so we walk BACK to de mrt n went home. :D
dint noe we sitl can crap so much
after lyk dint tok for months? :)
WOW.[its finger licking gud]

okie crap tats abt it :D


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