blogskin changed :D lawls :X im becoming sweet photobucket is soooo freaking nice buden so freaking waste tym too :X
Showing posts from June, 2008
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debbie : haloos lao gong ! tagged (: long time no see jt {yalo yalo.harLOW :D laopo ♥ Valerie : YOOOOOOOOO jt{ yooooo :D lawls licia : oh yea! IT WAS A DATE DAMN I FORGOT jt{ yea.tho i wan to DENY it :X it IS a DATE. licia : i forgot it was called date lol YEA WE HAVE 2BUCKS IN OUR ZHUZHUZHU FUND jt{ now there`r $10++ how fast :D mandy : two are like so dumb...haha. :D not consider family la, no father... DiAoz jt{ yalah.licia.u so dumb lo :X tsk tsk licia : so fast change song liao jt{ jealous erh? :D JASMINE:D : junting! hehe, nan de i come tag hor? hahas,i hate my hiar!!hahas:Di tag-ged jt{nice luhh nice :D mine den WORST lo :X stil dare say lehh licia : WALAO I LOVE UR STUPID TAG BOARDS. licia : i mean tag board jt{ jealous AGAIN erh ? :D ii WONT help u do derh :X shermay : EH RELINK. it's been ages since i've changed my blog link. jt{ orh REALI? :D kay lah RElinked J' lene : hey good luck for ndp!! ;D jt{ ty 'u TOO marh :D taggs replied after ages :) a...
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okie im bac :X wat did i do ysd?... oya CIP hr again :D its much more tiring LAWLS :X budden after after de whole thing end mi& ru zhu went on our fers date lawls -.- is NOT called date aniway de REAL date is taxi door & zhidan :D as we saw THEY TWO when we were at de bustop n ofcox & mandy de family oso :D lawls anw my throat now is lyk OMG -.- 2dya wake up damn pain luhhs now finally better liao muahaha :D anw 2day `ll be suffering cox i`ll be chionging all de hw. which include de following :X + chinese compo + eng compo + math 3benchmark test RAR i cant believe tis man :X i`m such a guai kia :D harLOW evyone junting is officially a guai kia uDONTmessWITHde GUAIKIA lawls :X is there ani copyright for tis? anw.ahem :D
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wat wld u do if evytym u fall in love wiv sumone tat u`ve to say gd bye? wat wld u do if evytym u wanted sumone tat`ll nvr be there? wat wld u do if for evy moment u were truly happi there `r 10 moments of sadness? wat wld u do if ur best fren is goin to die 2mr n u nvr gt de chance to tell`em how u felt? wat wld u do if u loved sumone more den anithing else n u could nvr had them? well i was wondering if they are too sad?.. I L O V E M Y F R I E N D S A L W A Y S & F O R E V E R! ! !
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lawls :X yeap i`ve a strange feeling.. but dun ask me wat feeling cox if u do.u `ll be de 8IGHT peeepo asking de same qns :X anw.its reali veri ware i said strange not creepy or wat :D im goin to say de story out before anione kpo n ask semo feeling. :X anw de feelign is not LOVE.or lyk or wat. tho its sumthing to do wiv a GUY hehe :D lawls dun xiang wai :X DUN! ): cox i haven finish wat i wan to say de guy feel lyk saying. budden is juz omg. :X when it happened 2day :( okei tats it for tis
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lalas :X im back YET not in de mood to blog anw ahem ahem ** let mi intro myself :D im single & UNavailable :D im single cox im NOT double :D im unavailable cox im attached to my ELMO darlingggggg :) MUAHAHAHA :D mi & ru zhu decide to evyday save $1 in total to set up our zhu x2 funds if u`r interested to make a donation u can contact ani of us at ahs 2jayee.. please be aware tat u might `ve to climb 5th floor in order to get there :D all de funds will goes to US :D we`r poor thing :X evyone da fa ci bei bahh :'( sobs :( LAWLs :X people i WARN u! im NOT lame! i can WALK! :X dun curse me!!! RAR :X anw taggs reply [ LATE i noe sorrie :X] jiaying : hi junting (: [ hello hello :D thkx for tagging ] ZIXING;D : JUNTING GO OVERSEAS AR BUY PRESENT FOR ME HOR [ semo lawls i cant see anithing leh wat u typing? o.O ] mandy : funny ar... HAHZ...that was supoose to be emo... diaoz :D [ paiseh ho wat u toking abt ar? STM :x ] zhidan : JUNTING MY PRESENT LEH OWN ME SO ...
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OMG MY DEAR BLOG i fucking miss u! i mean i fucking miss using comp.:X lawls its de same rite? RAR after so long i finally manage to on9 n y is there no body on9!? RAR-.- nvm not even u on9 NOOOOOOOOO.... tmd nvm basically i die die go inside de casino :D n there goes my $300 LOLs wateva :X nt my $$ hehe tis lan is so weird my bac is so damn freaking de tired i wan go drink coffee :X well l8r juz now bought a damn cute de elmo GOSH! its soooo ADORABLE. i shall more abt it when i go bac :X OYA i cut my hair -.- SHIT guess wat its de JELLY FISH :X its nt de jelly tat i mind its de fringe BASICALLY.its lyk mogu de OMG :X im NOT goin sCH -.- noooooooo IM NT GOING TO SEE ANIONE TILL MY HAIR GOES BAC LOLs.i gt so much thing to do when i goes bac lah budden de fers thing is ofcox ... er...well /& secret muahaha :D
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as i`ll be leaving sg 2mr i have no chioce but to post a long post iMISS u my blog.believe it or not. my love for u is alys hiden deep inside my heart unrevealed. :D okie anw things happened unexpected. as i mention it earlier on in de previous post :X i duno whur i shld start it ot rather i duno if shld start it :D cox its quite personal. :D lyk wat mandy said to me in MSN onli ppl CLOSE to me `ll noe wat im toking abt so for those hu are OPEN to me. juz ignore all tis as i`ll be goin in to de main topic soon :D ........................................................................... here come de main topic. if u r a regular costumer to my blog. u`ll noe tat my main topic is mainly CRAP. for those hu r new. now u`ll noe it.its nvr too late to noe :D `lalas holiday past pretty fast.veri fast indeed. its onli 3 wks long.wat we expect? :X homework OH homework is there such thing?NO rite :D its NOT i DUN wan to do.its i CANT :X hu can understand how a child feels when she despo to fi...
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seems its been veri long since i last posted ty chao fan for coming here evytym feng yu bu gai LAWLs anw thing happened unexpectly yeap which means it happened tho i dun wan it to.LOLs :X i duno how to put it :X rather is i dun wish to put it :X watsoeva so i wone be toking anithing -.- lawls back to de topic CIP hrs on sat. :X omg im so out its 2 days ago yet now den i post abt it. so there r cases tat they take de balloon & go. well its veri FEW :) heng :D soo ru zhu nvr go instead she was rite at HOUGANG bao ba zhang LOLs :X tsk tsk kay lah her laobu dun allow her to go. is lyk tis oso cant tat oso cant :X poor thing LOLs okie okie i dun feel lyk posting animore let my blog be dead luh n i`ll be overseaf from 11 to 16th june please do miss me THANK YOU :D lols so means 16 i wont go sch lo :X okie cya evyone on 17th den ps. i haven finish any homework xD
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mandy : HEL~~LO JUNTING! haha! :D 5 Jun 08, 08:37 PM [hello mandy :D] licia : kao the pic damn not nice lar u ho good ho AND FINALLY ONE POST ON ME ITS BLOCKED BY UR STUPID LYRICS 5 Jun 08, 07:26 PM [opps use mf see my blog lo den wont block ler] WENDY:)) : YO! 5 Jun 08, 06:43 PM [YO :D] mandneo(x : hello junting!:D 5 Jun 08, 03:21 PM [HELLO :D hahas w8 i l8r link (:] Jacinth : hellos ZhuTi! yep it's me muogu Jacinth. ahahas xD see you soon. yeah, heree to taggg ;D [lol u r MOGU juz dun deny hehe :D] i feel lazy so i juz copy paste DIAO :X
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2day is normal?:X other den wat happen ysd nite :) lols lols :D anw 2day went to sch for cssp? cpss? de video taking :D den buy bubble tea. den go home den on comp den go down eat wiv shermay. wel i cant find my key. so she was lyk w8 n w8 till she finish eating :X den she call mi im lyk -i cant find my keys as i was saying.i saw de keys.-.- LOls :X nthing much other than tis cox i gt sumthing else to do now brb :D
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lalas.iLOVE de light mini mahjong. [ cute] my fers tym in 2008 take NEOPRINT looks clearly lehh.猪蹄 bcm frozen meat 奶茶 bcm ice blended.[LOL] our wonderful score of 1st attempt- 3 2nd attempt 28. [de ball stucked] iLOVE de colors man :D see our BIG BIG j t? yeap so i went out wiv 奶茶 ysd tho its suppperrr out of random :D supposingly meet at 12.30.budden cox when i gt to mrt. i saw de GUITAR grp.YEAP.include de 海虫 [OMGosh] so wei ler they all.i have to miss 2 MRTs :X im so noble.okie nvm anw 奶茶 is LATE too (: we tot we`ll go WATCH MOVIE BUT cox de tym is lyk ....[dot dot dot] so we went to de ZONE bishi bashi x3 & datona & ofcox our PROF. bball :D den eat at mac.saw tricia & duno & duno [ahsian] i juz added her on friendster few days ago. tsk so chio -.- [UNFAIR] den we QUEUE for de damn bowling n cox is sooo long we walk up n down de escalator for lyk 20 tyms? or more than tat in ee end we so freaking tired go back our name is still-.- [SO FAR] so we gibb...
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乳猪 & 猪蹄 `s couple flic`n`lic is not tat i wan post tis photo. but tis is de onli photo left in my hp :) lalas.back home (: anw went to bedok library im so guai rite well my laobu threaten mi if not cant use comp :X so wei ler comp i sacrifice myself! LOLs hahas anw i get veri bored den i meet up wiv 乳猪 go bubble tea shop :) photo. n we reali lyk COUPLE liddat sia -.- NOT les.neither is she ): anw lalas cant rmber when did we get so close.. ii think i`ll treasure tis friendship bahh hu noes maybe nxt yr we go diffe class den we might drift apart o.O well..tats abt it luhh... 2mr `ll be going out wiv 奶茶.veri random. hmm i have i qns for myself.when am i goin to start on de holi hw?