back from another round of shopping..
ysd never sleep de..den 2day 9 plus my xy
call my rooom n blah blah blah..
i was listening n paying full attention lo..
but it seems im too slpy so dun reali get her meaning..
soon she chiong to my room n drag mi out..
i dint took much hoto fact..
so far i hadnt take any..there is nothing to take
while shopping lo..n bought alot crap again...
hmm..nt reali alot.1.2.3.lols.
den after tat take taxi go eat.den my xy is lyk
say a place.den de driver say..
de place is just opposite de road..=.=ll
den my xy is lyk- nvm u U TURN go ..
den he is lyk-veri ma fan..=x
so in e end we get down de taxi.n took another taxi..
back to hotel put all de stuffs fers..
so am i..blogging infront of de comp.
soon my xy will be coming n drag mi out for lunch ler..
budden im seriosuly not hungry..-.-ll
nt at all.


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