TIRED.n finaly back my SWEET HOME.
basically.tis few days running around evywhur..
no tym play comp de lo..
fers is friday.go frm bugis to plaza to parkway to home.
den is sat.go from plaza to amk to bishan to toa payoh to kallang to home.
den 2day is go from tm to cs to tm to cs to tm to plaza to home.
well.its crap luhh..cs n tm..-.-
lols..and finaly watched AH LONG PTE LTD.
is DAMN funny lo..lols.cute lehh...whee~~
finally watched 1 movie on wish list..
den actualy after tat going watch kf dunk wiv sh.
den after 1 day of PSK.realise his grdma in hospital..lols.
4gt about tat.den SHERMAY luhh.want to a COMFORTER??..
i think spell wrongly buden nvm.watsoev it is..
she wan to make it HERSELF.so we went 2 SPOTLIGHT n buy
those material.and is lyk she nd to learn how to do all those knots.
den saw de mag.is lyk 12.90 luhh..please lo..
she only nd de 3pages luhh..den atfers she wan sit there memorise.
in de end we realise it dun works..so she buy de mag..
well..after looking through.we realise there is a note there..
den below is de web which i 4gt..LOLs..
den buy de cotton etc etc..$25++ in TOTAL.
i have a feeling it will be wasted..n OHYA.
she bought a LAPTOP bag at 89.90 from BATA..
is lyk LOLs..i will nv do tat..provide im not interested in tat bag..
sumore she hug it damn TIGHT all day luhh..
n ohya.due to she wearing a black jacket.jeans.a cap covering her face.
den plus hugging a black bag so tight..
i think ppl tot she bring BOMB luhh..
so de whole day i calling HER a SUSPICIOUS ITEM luhh..
haha..den is lyk quite lame..woo.ch u now is
IM NOT 2PID TOO.budden i watched so many tyms ler..
budden again.since gt shuai ge..im watching it again..
provided its comedy n entertaining as well..^^
n receive a msg.-.-den bo mood post liao..haiiizz...


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