okie.im nOt going to find any song le..
use tis LOLipop for de tym being..
though tis blog gort nOthing to do wiv it at all..
lols..-.-..nvm..LOLlipop for LOLyer..
crap..and anw..so..back to a BLACK blogskin again..
4gt it..black is still de best..

and hO.maybe i noe how to change frOm only de fers
post is in center to all post is in center other than
evytym use my hand to type center ?..okie crap..

anw any1 got any song suggest to tis blogskin
all are welcome!

edited again
i feel tat tis blogskin de rite side veri empty leh..
lols..dear blOg..tat's a COMPLIMENT..dunt wOrry..=x

edited again x2
is the sOng suppose to stOp halfway n den restart?..

edited again x3
tis is de end abOut my blogskin/music 2day...
i had been afking in maple VERI VERI LONG le..
if i afk at a place wiv MOB..even if is snail..
i could have alrdy DIE!..NO!!!!!!!

edited again x4
sorrie 4 editing de post again n again..


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