(lols..photo flatten..T.T.make raffles de
face look so long..Opps..nvm..fOcus on
my CanDey laOpo & mii~n de STAR~)
lols.my laOpo n shihao bOth paO qi wO..
zao to ahma hOuse play taiti lerhh..
den ysd in maple.shihao is lyk asking.
ying..u 2mr wan play TAIJI?
mii n laOpo is lyk-huh??taiji?..u mean TAITI ho?
lols.i shld gO along see how he play TAIJI luhh..
anw..laOpo jiayOus!trashed shihaO!!..
so im free nOw..n so i come blog..
in fact..we dint meet ysd..LOLs..
ohyeah~~hOpe we dont 2day too..
ohya..im toking abt mi n shermay..
just nOw i open cr8 post gt som AP..
format all wrong derh..now finally ok le..
im in a happi MOOD...yesh..
tats veri nan de OK?..i usually will feel bored..
and ohya..y nOw blogger upload photo SOOO FAST de?
5min liao still uploading....OH.finally finish le..
btw..tis blog music is shermay suggest derh..