kaOs..i must be crazy tis days.
y de hell im i crying evy nite these days?..
n ysd y must i zi tao ku chi go find u luh..
actualy at fers nothing.
den after tat my whole heart is lyk..
soooo pain...-.-
fck.i must nv do tis kind of sa shi again..
n den i realise sumthing terrible..
seriously worst than anything tat could hav happen..
im not goin to face de terrible fact.
n instead.i will choose to hide away from it.
lols.tat's me.a coward.opps..
n ohya.i dint noe tat evy nite after crying..
de next day i will suffer under a terrible headache.
its reali terrible in a way torturing mi.everyday.
2day gt PE?..im not in de mood.
well,im not in e mood to do anithing as long
it gt nothing to do w/ a 18 yr old IC card..
but.no matter is now.or before.
my tears are all for u.
shyt.tis is shitty..tho its still nt as worse
as de terrible fact.-.-
ohya.l8r gt test rite?..fck..
de headache is killing mi...-.-
fone.w/o it.im a body w/o soul luhh..
idiotic people.inactivate SIM card.
i nd go rest awhile.
i cnt take de 2pid headache animore..


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