kaOS.from 9 plus on9 maple till nOw..siaO liao..
and nOw finally free liaO..
since my laOPo not on9.neither is shihao or any of my buddy.
just nOw while mapling.dunO which lame lame de peepo
invite mi..well.som1 fRom my class ii think..
if im nOt wrong.is de grandfather phOne..
and den bored.den boreder.and fianly when i reach de boredest pOint.
i went to buy cash.here goes my 21.40 SGD.broke..
n ohya.to disppoint evy1.i dint went to escape theme park.
due to xxx de basket ball training end at 2plus..
n neither are we going 2mr since he is going his ah ma hOuse
with my laOpO.n laOpo.jiayOus!must trash him n win all his $$...
i gort a headache since ysd ..sian..i tot after slp one nite
it wil be OK ler..budden it just seems get wOrse..
KAOS..im reali bored luhh..hell nOes wats wrong wic my head..
n so l8r me.shermay.her daddy.mummy.my mother.xiaO yi is meeting rite?

retarded ppl..do useless things.but fOr de sake Of my phone.
i m gOing..n BROKE UP wiv shermay.=x
dedicate to shermay
mai miss wO..:D
u had been a great fren to me..=x
perhaps i will get bored n siian :P
budden u nOe..our retarded parents =))
so ya..goOd luck..=D
恭喜发财 红包拿来 =x
tho im OLDER than u ...xD


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