i shall call tis crap.so be prepared how lame can it get.
wakaO..i open itunes so long ago.n till now nothing comes out..
seems i had not tok abt toojaye0hw8 yet.
well.so-so luhh..quite okie..bleahx.
nothing to tok abt tat le.change subject den.
my mother will be back home at 6pm evyday.
torture.Omg..de worst had happened.wat could be worser than tis news?
siaO siaO liao.ohya,shermay .if u dunO still..
ur daddy mummy n my mother n u n mi is goin to have a
open..veri open tok on tis coming saturday..be prepared for it.
i will Order a lemon tea.hOpe u get urself a lime water.
n ur beloved mummy daddy?perhaps a cup of coffee is enOugh le.
my mother?ohh..lets put tat aside fers..not important at all.
budden now de problem is.if ur mummy daddy my mother u n mii have to
have a 2pidest tok eva.means i cannOt go out le.
oh w8.i forgot somthing.my dear xiaO yi will be there too.
im not veri sure abOut wat she will drink.budden it wont be expensive.
lalalala~itunes has ver. 7.6 now.so im downloading..n den i Open.
but de setup dunO fly where le.sad.and btw again.
it comes out le.budden im sure it will take a veri lOng tym.
and far b4 tat.my mother will alrdy shut de computer...
so shermay.hope ur mummy daddy my mother n my dear xiaO yi n u n mi
will be happy drinking Our drinks.im nOt sure hu will be paying budden
i can be sure tat is nOt us.if u stil worry abOut it.den u can dunt bring wallet.
er.tats wat im gOing to dO..i will try nOT let my dear xiaO yi pay for de drink.
u can defend ur mummy n daddy too.i dunt mind my mOther pay but i think
she wOnt bring wallet toO..do remind urself tat u r suppOse to meet me 2mr
at 4.30.thOugh im sure u wOnt be there.i still want to remind u abOut it..

de ver. 7.6 is rather slOw.n i rmber tat i havnt eat dinner..my mOther is now
in my roOm.checking my phOne..but soOn she will be disppointed tat i had deleted
all de msg.inbox.draft.outbox.sent msg.saved msg.evything.anything.so sad fOr her.
i pity her fOr wasting her tym to do somthing useless.pOor thing rite?..
n Ohya.she had been digging my roOm for somthing these days.Once again.
so sad fOr her.coz i alrdy throw away evything tat is nOthing related to study.
sobb**she so PoOr lo..cannOt find de thing she wan..anw ohya.i hadnt seen him
for very lOng..well.tats a goOd news.if is nOt for de wedding photO of them.
i nearly forgot tat my mother actualy remarried wiv som1..coOl..
budden i dun reali understand yy she wOuld rather put their photO evywhur in de
house n yet.not a single photO of him.not even One.spare a thOught for me please?
lyk i wan nOe how he lOok like atleast?..tats unfair OK?..well.nOthing is fair.
ohh u nOe tat..no need to remind me..crappy..
to me..he's nOthing.hoho..too bad..budden he cannOt die toO.for if he die.
my mOther will be veri busy..yesh.vveri veri busy.doing many many things.
to show to de Others.n fOr herself..n to shOw me.thOugh she nOe i dunt giv it a damn..
for many many reasOns.i never like my mOther before..reali.even when i tOk to her.
i dunt reali like her.so dOesnt she.fair enuf.hu she lOve?i dunO.maybe my brOther?..
hmm..Ofcoz.i love him toO..n ya.pity him as well..thOugh my mOther regret for taking
me instead of him years agO..i still think my mOther shldnt appear in my life..
nOt when im 10.nonono..never.just happi wOrking at hOngkong.n i wOnt blame u.
i reali wont..hu cares if i gOt no father.and wats de difference of One more?no mOther as well?
life goes On..much more happier than this.i believe.so does my dear xiaO yi..n my dear dear grdma.in heaven.i nOe she wish nOthing happened on tat particular day toO..
just lyk wat me n my dear xiaO yi hope.well.my mOther is nOble.i dint say she is bad tO mi.
though.nOt gud either..when did i put o as O?o.O..weird.and i realise i dint use de wOrd LOL..
opps.de habit is gone.when u r gone.well.tats last year rite?..ohya..clarified.im nOt tokin abt
rey.im nOt..i use LOL far before tat..crap.he's back.thOugh i still wan type somthing.
but tis is nOt de time.n ohya.im NOT EMO+ING.NOT SAD.no feeling at all.
just feel lyk pOst yet got nothing to say.SERIOUSLY.tats it.a randOm post.veri veri..


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