computer.for all i love it.
not bcoz of maple.
not bcoz of blog.
not bcoz of anyting.

but there is one function i love alot.
for i noe it will never happen in rl..
it has a key.a function.called UNDO.
it can undo somthing tat u had done..
when u make a mistake in
for a UNDO key can change it back.
evy1 has regrets in their life.
no1 will not be regreting for maybe
even just one thing..two things..
n ofcoz it wnt happen in rl.
life is nt so
u cnt change anithing u had done.

but in another angel.
to look at this.
if there is a UNDO function in rl..
no one will think of any consequence
tat might happen.since evy1 has a
way of thinking tat
i can undo if its y bother to
think it over b4 do anything..

lols.wat i wan UNDO in my life
even if there is tis function?..
about de memories?
de sadness?
or u?..

werid..cut tis crap..

somtyms i on9 MSN very early in de morning.
no 1 is on9 except myself..
every1 in de internet world is oso sleeping..
onli my ID is awake...
used to walk by myself..
eat by my self..stare into space wiv myself..
looking at de msn wiv no1 on9 but me..
n fers tym realise tat there is reali only myself...

werider..-.-ll.although i wan to crap.
but not on tis okie?..

anw its lyk these few days is raining season..
in those raining days..
from de moment i open my eyes.
my mood is
de fresh smell in de air...
in those days..
no matter whur i go..
i lyk to sit beside de window..

n now goin china..
its freezinggggg cold..
it will be..not freeze to death yet..
but perhaps i will just find a hotel
n stay in de hotel de whole day..
since its so cold outside..

duno when.duno whur.duno yy.
i heard tat scientist are looking
evything in de world using
to them..miracle..
is not things tat wnt happen..
but things tat will happen
at a very low chance..
for example..
from math de ange..
to piece back a glass
tat broken into a thousand
on de not reali impossible..
acoording to them..
de chance of piece it back is
1/10 to de power of 1025

u will never noe how big is tis..
n so de conclusion is
this chances is not reali impossible..
but de chances are small..

so 2mr..i must pray sincerely..
hope tat my small wish under my pillow
come true soon as a miracle..
i think.well..
my wish..
is easier than to piece back de broken glass..

duno when.duno where.duno how.
i happen to heard tat..
if we can use de speed tat is faster
than de light to turn back..
we can see our back..
i wonder how mine looks lyk..
lols..quite werid..><

y is all abt science abt math??


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