here is my ke aii de bear le..
muahaha..finaly..just as my
blogskin..a bear><.. tat cost S$80
.. de dress..ribbon..
budden tis photo is taken
w/o anthing due to de owner
finds tat de bear actualy
looks cuter w/o anything on it.. birth cert for my bear.
if u have perfect eyesight..
u can see my ke aii derh bear
de name__xiao pillow..
ya..hehe..nice name rite?
so ysd is its bdae as u can see..
n de OWNER!!

tis is de er..shit-colored..
moron-liked..vry kawaii derh
thing i tokin about..lols..
am i in a way insulting it?..
nonono..its a compliment..

i will have a very long post 2day..
since i had not touch my dear computer for 7days..
one more day i dun use i will simply break de record liao..
so here i am..using comp..
anw is lyk ysd went to sentosa..
i onli can rmber tis happened for de past few days..
so b4 i eventualy 4gt abt it as well..
better crap out evything i rmber..
okie..lets see..start from...hmm...
i went out ba..okie..vry normal..
i dint tripped over de stone n fell..
or slip off or watsoeva..
jz simply made my way to vivo..
and den is lyk 12 liao..
so after meet up wiv my xy n her
i start to find derh stupid sakae..
(im goin to kill evy frog i sees from ysd onwards..)
i find from b2 to lvl3 larh..wth..
and den i onli cld rmber is on 2nd floor..
so i search n search n get de info tat
sakae is i find..
n i saw #02-83 den suddenly #02-87..
im lyk--WTH??..
so i start to ask ard n ask n ask n
realise tat OH..sakae is not in vivo..
is in habourfrnt..basically..
y it took me so long to find how to go
vivo to habourfrt center is bcoz duno
hu hu hu derh stupid hp..
so guddd at choosing tym to no bat..
so lyk about 1.20..after a long walk..
i saw de frog..yeah..i was actualy abt
to 4gt abt sakae n eat at sushi tei instd..
den my xy start to crap her DA DAO LI
on wat if after i find so long..den giv up
and go eat other things.i will say its not as nice
as sakae..but if i eat at sakae..coz i spt a long
tym finding it..i will find it extra nice..
so i carry on my way find n find n finaly..
i saw derh green color frog hiding at a corner..
so we eat..n den im suppose to eat up de whole
shop to de end..3 of us onli eat about
S$60++..den we had another hard tym
finding de way to go we pass by
derh a bear workshop..
i went in..n decide i must eat all her
so im lyk look at derh bear..n start to
blink n blink n blink to them untill
they came into derh shop n say
u wan ar?buy lo..
well i wanted it vry long ago le lo..
since they so kind..i oso vry de KIND n
bought 1..den stuffed it..n made a
birth cert for it..n den go pay..
im so kind lo..den my xy was lyk..
buy it a dress bah..i was lyk
anithing she went to buy A DRESS..
after tat she was lyk--buy a shoe ba..
den buy a necklace ba..
buy a ribbon bah..
buy a handbag barh..
buy a sunglasses barh...
is lyk as if de bear is hers lo..
so after evything..we went to pay..
den de cashier chio bu was lyk..
buy a underwear barh..-.-
so ya..we bought 1 underwear
for my bear..den pay..which is lyk
cost total about S$80++..
im things oso not so exp yet OK?
well nvm 4gt it..anw i think it looks cuter
w/o wearing anithing lo..=x
well..after tat we left de bear in de shop fers..
den went to walk walk...
actually we suppose to watch movie de..
buden coz no good movie..

EDITED..shermay happy now?
so we went to starbucks..
coz evytym there is ONCE
(its EDITED cos of de below conver...)
Sher May says:
Sher May says:
i don't ALWAYS drink the caramel frap
Sher May says:
i only drank it like once la
white&black says:
white&black says:
Sher May says:
Sher May says:
go edit
Sher May says:
i once saw my IDOL shermay drinking it
Sher May says:
(lols..u wait LONG LONG)

shermay was lyk dinking
caramel frappicino..(4gt how to spell..)
so i decide to try lo..den is lyk..okie larh..
too sweet le..i cream..-.-
then here goes 20bucks..
den continue to walk n walk..
n i bought a er...isit called a moron??
jkjk..i oso duno wat thingy..frm mu-ee..
isit how de shop is spelled??lols..
and den we got nothing to do..
so decide go to sentosa..
den is lyk they 2 wan take skytrain..
i wan take cable in e end they give in..
n derh ppl was lyk u wan de glass cable car or normal de?
i mean is lyk wats de difference..budden we took
de glass lyk SO LAME ok?..
no much difference $$ is difference.more ex..
den we rch thur..went to de merlion..
go up.
take photo(well..they 2 derh photo i help them take..)
com down..
here goes de 24bucks..
den we were lyk nothing to do..
so we took skytrain to beach station
to see de songs of de sea..
den is lyk coz we are too INNOCENT ..
so we dint noe tat de show is only evyday
7.40 n 8.40..den we rch at about 6+
de 7.40 show full house liao...
so we were lyk buy derh 8.40 de lo..
budden coz de bear shop close at 9.30
if i watch i no tym go take bear liao..
budden i still bought 3 ticket lo..
den we went to eat de er...
somthing call TASTEs of SINGAPORE..
which cost total about S$ 60++..
wat i have to say is tat
de food SUCKS
is lyk puke OK?..-.-
den after tat derh 7.40 derh show start..
acutaly if we go to de top..
we can just see de whole show..FOC..
wats de ticked for?..hell noes..
basicaly i seen b4..not so nice larh..
budden im lyk..
xy.u n ur PU OTNG PENG YOU go watch ba..
i go take n bear n go home fers..
my xy go act lo..say wat aiya.stay larh..
den i was lyk--so fake ok?..
so i play along..den i say--oh..den i STAY here lo..
she was lyk--ohh..u wan go den go barh..
LOLS?..somore..they were lyk holding hand during de day..
den im lyk--i tot PU TONG PENG YOU?
how com hold hands ar?
den she say untill as if she is so de right liddat larh..
HUH?pu tong peng you CNT hold hands ar??...
ya rite ya rite..anw i went off lo..
collected my bear..
n take a MRT..
n went home..
n tats about it lo...
is de post long?..
i hope so..
if not vry de
duii bu qii my comp..


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