wat the hell?
y is de world so SMALL??!!
wth larhhh....walieu..y my ming so ku larh...walieu...world is so damn small.2day as i was so happy at tm/cs with qingying..n takin neoprints..i saw de SAME GRP OF DUNMAN HIGH ppl..wtf?somore they were lyk com near us..n say:
see?last tym go tou pai us one lerh!!
anglican high one lerh....
anyhow take our video lorh...
SERIOUSLY wats de problem wiv them larhh?
nxt tym i ever see them again..i make sure i TRASH them n fite back larhh..i had been ren since last tym at YOSHINOYA larh...walau!!wtf??ya rite..they r so damn CHIO BUs...WOW..i want their photo lerrhh...they are seriouly mentaly retard or wat??still say we bo JIA JIAO..ya rite.her JIA JIAO teach her wheneva ppl beside them just lift up their hp means THEY GOING TO TAKE THEIR VIDEO COZ THEY ARE TOO PRETTY LIAO...ya rite...never see ppl SO CHIO b4 man....TMD..so damn zi lian...wth larhh...i 2day actualy WANNA POST A HAPPY POST ON MY OUTING N DE ENTERPRISE DAY LERH...ALL MY MOOD GONE LARH...ALL THANKS TO THEM...

4gt it...start a new paragraphy on my WONDERFUL DAY W/O THE IDI0TS..

2day de enterprise day is actualy quite fun lorh..i mean is lyk better than just stay in de class lyk idi0ts larh...so de whole day is lyk go drag all seniors...chers com n force them buy..i was lyk AS WELL JUST TAKE THEIR COUPON,TEAR IT(coz tear liao means used) N SAY:WAN TAKE OR NT?DUN WAN UR COUPON OSO CNT BUY ANYTHING LIAO..nice rite?DAY LIGHT ROBBERY??nonono..tis is benifit the class..den other than de $3 which is compulsory..i bought another $10 coupon..is lyk i total only spent $2 lorhh..de rest $11 all goes to our class de $$...lol..and all i get is a stick of POPCORN CHICKEN..sommore ysd de yuan shen SCAM MI $6 just to carry 30 books UP DE 4TH FLOOR LARH..walieu...so shong larh...$6 drop fr0m de sky just lyk tis...LOL...den all i get is a FRESHLY BAKED CHICKEN NUGGET..which is quite nice indeed larh...

den after sch mi n qy n zd went to tm lorh..nonono..actualy we go white sand fers...den we get out frm MRT..step in whitesand..look a big round..found out basicallythur is NOTHING in white sand..so we go to TM...ok..its lame larhh...den we were lyk choosing wat to eat...no 1 wan eat MAC c0z is too sian liao..den we go see PASTAMANIA..is lyk so expensive..so we go LJS..den no palce to sit..den gang hao i wan eat PIZZA..so we went to PIZZA HUT lorh...c0z is lyk it say... is $24.50...and anw i just scam $100 ysd so i was lyk..i pay $20..rest u 2 pay...but in e end it turn out to be $31.19..GST n blah blah blah lorh...walieu..c0z is lyk its 4serving..so we hav 4 pepsi n 4 mushroom soup..den we share de extra soupn mi n zd drink de pepsi since qing ying cnt even finish her own pepsi larh..den g0t 2piizzza...1 HAWAIIAN??n 1OCEAN duno wat wat lorhh...werid werid derh name or watsoeva..i dun memorise de name of de food one...is cut into 6pieces each..so means each of us eat 2 piece of each pizza lorhh...in e end we were lyk so FULL larhh....ha0 bu rong yi eat finish de last piece lorh...after tat i hav a BRILLIANT SUGGESTION.. qy go out pretend go toilet..den mi os0 za0 awhile ltr..den after tat no one see..zd os0 za0..well..is too fake..WAT ACTUALY HAPPEN IS..we duno pay whur..so qy was lyk--shld we raise up our hand n say BILL PLZ?i was lyk thinkin JUST ZAO can liao..zd has NO COMMENTS lorh..anw we made our way to cashier n pay de $$ ...den we went to TOY'R US as USUAL to play ard all those TOYS with labels of TRY MI..but too bad after awhile Zd gtg..dne mi n qy dun0 for wat reason..keep laughing larhh...even when we take neoprint..oso SO DAMN SHI BAI..laugh lyk siao..nt even lookin at de camera lorhh..so is lyk all photo is so dia0 larhh...den we after tat go AN WEI ourselves...say THIS IS CREATIVE..evytym ppl take neoprint is either SMILE.or.ACT CUTE..vry de no CREATIVITY..so we shld Laugh Out Loud..but after tat we went to CS n take another one..well,tats whur i meet all de ZILIAN KUANG alarh..i dun wan talk about it...okie.



okie liao..den we went to tampines library lorh..n blah blah blah happen which i lazy type liao n somore is nt important lorhh..so skip os0...





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