lol.another new skin.diao xia.after i save de new templete n press preview.den i realise is n0t reali very nice compare to the previous one.but nvm.
sch overed.FINALY?but seems life is more bored when thur is no school.or am i just pushing all de blame on school whereas the actual reason is not that.ok.vry many things.maybe i will be busier although thur is no scho0l.
maple ap again.den cant play.wth.have to uninstall n install back again.
somore my mother just called mi lorh.i was like put de hp 50cm away also can hear she crapping on the other side.
to stay at home for too long i will reali fa mei shld consider go out.maybe watch a movie?is better than staying at home just to stare n de computer n de computer stare mi back.this is de best example of de meaningless life of som1.
bee so damn nan de is not under G n under PG instead.class mon..hooray.but b4 that still gt whole week DnT club frm 8am to 1pm?wtf is this.never say anything.den suddenly just a msg cca.walau.idiot larh.but as a very guai student.i am going DnT club. den rmber about my worst result i eva get.isnt it cool?whole lvl 266/ look at this i cld hardly believe that i actualy get 63/385 n came to 2nd class in dde whole sec1 lvl.and we were told to do a reflection.i believe evy1 will be crappin about i will study harder/cut down tym on comp/do more assignment/etc/etc.
zd is seriously crapping.she start wiv a WONDERFUL setence saying tat---to get tis kind of result is realy dissapointing.i am very dissapointed wiv my result.(somthing lyk tat.)lol.i was more crappy i think.saying that---i will cut down de time i spent on a popular online game-maple.although people cld easily get addicted to it.i will control de time i spt in it.ya rite.i will.i dun even think any1 will believe tis.
somore zd was lyk crying as if she wan de class to be flooded wiv her tears.for heaven sake.if a average of 74.1 IS NOT GOOD ENUF.den wat abt my average of 68.3?
WATEVA.anw my xy dunt even noe that de school is i dunt have to show her report card so early.phew.wish all bees dunt suffer a terrible death after showing ur results.
and last but nt least.finaly get a gold.i had been geting either bronze or silver for so long liao.mai giv mi tat kind of DID THEY PRINT WRONG de look liao.
wow.another crappy post will be published.ans my maple is still redownloading at such A FAST SPEED.too fast.even faster than de speed of de speed now is consider FAST.can i request de speed be SLOWER?
i must must chi0ng till lvl 70 lerh.priest.i am on de way.when shld i go n chi0ng own conclusion is PQ is a waste of i decide to chiong at sg using 2x EXP instead.but now de problem is.i have NO free time.
tis skin somhow looks mean it is.qy is so cute^^i didnt noe she is so funny lorh.haha.diao-er.JOIN US NOW!
as one whole year past by.den i realise alot thing ACTUALY HAD HAPPENED n CHANGED.seriously hope nxt year our class blog wont be u see.i went to my last year de class DEAD.
anw.even if its dead.i still believe i had saved all info inside my memory card.even if one day i need extra memory space for exams.i wnt delete de past will just stay wiv mi foreva.n eva.
although som is nt happy n all.actualy i will be vry pissed wheneva i think abt it.but tats life.isnt it?wiv all de happiness.sadness.buay shong-ness.etc.etc.
n one of de days.when i am vry boliao.i will just open de file n think of all de case my brain tio virus.n lost all info.i can alys copy n paste to a new memory card. com is lyk so computer-ish?
hmm.if u duno de meaning of it.just ask jt walkin dic.she will tells u all.
i will continue to crap until maple is downloaded!LOL.just jking.although i am a crapper.n now qualified to apply for a DR.crap de job.i still cant compete wiv de FAST SPEED that maple is being downloaded.
w/o u.i am reali empty.pandora box~i shldnt open it


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