oh ya,4gt about 2day lia0...2day mii n my VRY VRY VRY GUD de frend
go bugis 2gther,we noe each other since P3 de OK??
she go whur le huh?oh ya,that CEDAR GIRLS..lol,wats s0 gud abt that plzzz??
WATEVA~~as usual,we go take neoprint..hmm,b4 that i qing ta chii...
chii wat arh..-.-ll,shyt!! dun t3ll mi i kanna LAO NIAN CHI DAI ZHENG!!
bu ya00 arhh~~i ren so ha0...well,jz kidding^^
fin3,wat so eva,anw,after that weee go library..den is lyk wat bu s0ng lah..
duno y library 0pen at 1pm 2day,so we went to POPULAR loh...
cause she wa buy a pencil case,den i was lyk suggesting go THE WALLET
SHOP,so...we made our way BACK to bugis MRT thur n after she choose n
choose....she finally bought 1..(well,with a word SHIT on it^^0
ohya,due to i DIDNT tell my mum i going out 2day,at abt 12pm,my mum
started to call mii as if SHE HAD WON 10000000000MIL-.-ll
so i put my hp on vibrartion,so it VIBRATE N VIBRATE untill i pick up
de phone,den she was lyk shouting into my EAR which would be a MIRACLE
tat i didnt becm DEAF...T.T..so i strted to EXPLAIN where did i go,why did i go,
why i never tell her,who i go out with,what tym did i go out,when will i be back
etc,etc....(i wonder yy she dun xiin tong abt her DIAN HUA FEI loh..)
hmm..that all abt 2day lah..

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