walau!!!2day never go schol loh...
ysd duno eat what liao..
kanna allergic to it loh...
shyt..haiiz,vry ichy leh...
whole body lyk all mosquito
bite loh..T.T...urgh
but our dearest bing lian
come to my house and bring me
food..muackzz...thy thy...
and chocolate oso neh!!!!!!
wahahha,zx u cnt eat,too bad!
hahaha....aiya..now my
hand vry ichy loh...xP....
T.T..2day skip alot of thing..
such as PE,cca,cca 2day NDP
rehearse leh...shytty lah.....
yeah,bl no beside mii,i mz try
my best to pass it on to her..

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