lol..long time never post le..T.T,so sad,2day wanna go watch harry potter de..but my hp AP..duno y manjing never receive my msg,but anw,i gt is iz consider a GOOD NEWS? well,i doubt so..hmm...gary bdae is on lyk how come only his bdae den make untill so lyk da pai??ANS__he is a SC!,nt fair,well,my bdae always falls in the sep sch holi..den i have to celebrate with my MUM,shytt loh..couz hers is on 5th,mine on 8th..somem0re i have to celebrate ON HER BDAE INSTEAD OF MINE!jz bcz hers come 1st...wat logic is tat lah.1st come 1st serve meh....=.=lll...pr0test!!!!
fine,i da ren you da liang..duno y,somehow,though i didnt felt i spent alot of $$,i spend alot in 1 $50 fly away!!lol...SGD50=250yuan=RM100=25USA=??wateva country de money.
ahem ahem..i am not kua zhang loh..

ok,my post has come to the end,thx 4 reading...i go chiong mapl3 of my lazyness,i had been depending on PQ to earn EXP and lvl up which has to sacrifice a lot of time if u miss the bonus..well,4 those hu duno mapl3,plz ignore this park..(mean for zx)

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