Baby J.
So it's been 7 weeks since we welcomed the arrival of our latest family member - bb Jaelyn Seah. The delivery day felt like an eternity away somehow. Us making our way to Mt A. hospital at 3+ am with some doubt over what felt like regular contractions; putting on drips/epidural and waiting for active labour stage; gynea coming in to the deliver suite to get ready swiftly; followed by rounds of '1 - 2 - PUSH' with the assistance of 2 nurses. At last, we heard our baby's first cry and met her face to face after 9 months at 1:52pm on 13 Nov 2021. Plain as all these may sounds now, it was a really unique experience. Just think about it, pushing a new life out from your body through the birth canal/vagina? Holyyyy. But again everything happened so fast to really react to it. I use to ponder over my first reaction when we meet our bb, and I never had an answer. Turns out it was a very overwhelming moment. I was in all tears, of joy and relief, and mostly I was glad it's...