👨👂 Here we are. Final countdown to xiaobao's arrival after close to 10 months. Becoming prego since Feb has made 2021 the year of expecting. I couldn't recall much things that aren't revolving around this. Oh well. It is pretty life changing after all, and only will be more so in time to come? A common question I get a lot lately if if I am ready. I guess it's always a case of 'nobody is ever ready'. Materially we think we are, tapping on the baby preparation and hospital packing list from experienced mamas around us, received abundance of baby item blessings, went through two rounds of taobao hauls and festive sales for the big item purchases. Mentally,ah, I will probably only truly understand what's waiting for me ahead and try to adapt when the time comes. Its hard to imagine everything, a new fragile baby in arms, feeding milk off my breast, trying to differentiate her needs with each cry, and the list goes on... 👪💣 In fact, I may be jumping the que...