A moment in time.
I wonder why do my posts get less frequent with each year. Was it really a case of busy adulting? But how do I justify for all the time I spent idling. Or is idle a form of resting as I switch in and out from work daily. Why is it that as a teen then I had so much inner thoughts to be expressed in words daily? Where did all these self thought goes to now? Do I engage in much less self reflection these days, because time marches forward anyway. Unlike usual, I didn't have a new year resolution post this year. I simply told myself that I could probably just carry forward the 2020 resolutions and they would still largely apply. Well, on the night of cny eve now, I suppose it's still not too late to run through the past year yet. Good things that I could recount that happened in 2020; - Watched and enjoyed some good anime/animation/movies including demon slayer, inuyasha, haikyu,Farewell my concubine, the truman show, V for Vendetta, Casr away, Catch me if you can, Mob pyscho, H...