
Showing posts from December, 2018

Bye eighteen!

Quick browse through the social media and seems like everyone is wrapping up their  year on a great and happy note~ What a wonderful thing hehe at this age and time. To think back to the old and emo teenage day seems so far away. I have had a great year too. Much laughter minimum tears. No one of importance left my life but rather met new kind and genuine colleagues on my first job. No major setback in all aspects of life. Happy nest satisfying wife. Learnt to cook a lot more than my entire life and manage to hit the gym thrice a week for the record. Whew. Travelled far, ate well and slept enough. Another ordinary and peaceful life that I ought to be grateful for. In the coming year. Here's a few wishes from the 25 y.o me to the 26 y.o me. 1. Continue to hit the gym thrice a week, and pushing myself a tiny weeny bit more at a time.  2. Don't let watercolor, pole dance or social dance with lnr slip away from the weekly routine.  3. Consume less. Step into commerc...
I love to read quite a number of Murakami's works, Norwegian Woods, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki, The wind up bird chronicles, Hard boiled Wonderland and the end  of the world, to name a few. While it's not difficult to figure out his unique style of narratives, most of the time I could never fully understand his writings, but I enjoy reading them nonetheless. Talking cats, queers, desires, loneliness, other worlds, lost feelings, seemingly disjoint timelines in the books. Reading his works makes me want to be in that strange world he have imagined, I wish I were the characters, I feel a strong tie (tho fictional) with the feelings and lives he has portrayed. A seemingly monotonous life, a fixed bar/restaurant to frequent, unconventional conversations with strangers, rawness of human desires, everything plays out evenly in his stories. I have always loved queer things, not psychotic but just.. different liking. Perhaps it was a conscious choice to become weird even I don't kn...