
Showing posts from July, 2017


(nest in a mess with wet works in progress) Opps! It's been four months since my last update on our home! And again I am astonished at how all these seemingly long wait actually went by. Oh wells, so we had our two appointments with HDB in late April and June, while sourcing for a suitable contractor concurrently. We met up 2 main contractors (One of which recommended by my pole friend, and the other which my mum engaged for our Sengkang unit), as well as a number of sub contractors to come down and quote. It was a tough call between the two Alan ( what are the odds that they have the same name ), but we eventually went with my pole friend's main con because the other quotation came back as $6k higher (Even though we have to agree that he seemed more meticulous and precise when it comes to measurement). But Moolah is eventually what made the cut so Alan Tan it was! ( Who we often referred to as 小陈 later, even though he should really be a 老陈 instead and every time I see h...


终究还是混到了大学毕业典礼的前一晚,从2000年至今算是17个年头,也算是从沈阳一路折腾到新加坡,辗转了8所小学,中学,高中,大学。终究在明天即将戴上方帽子,正式的和学生时期告一段落。 心中竟然没有一丝的激动与振奋,甚至琢磨了好久 才决定要参加毕业仪式,蹉跎到今天下午才惊觉或许该是时候整理一下毕业袍 研究一下邀请卡了。 心中更没有太多的不舍,毕竟认识的朋友到头来也不多,交情深的屈指一算 终归于中学的友人,而这一群人 早已在过去几年里分道扬镳,开始了截然不同的人生。所以对过去四年在国大所有的回忆里,并没有任何大幅度的波澜, 更别提什么刻苦铭心的了。 日复一日,年复一年,周而复始。 如此形容四年的大学再也贴切不过。四年里没能当上枝头凤凰,但也不至于一败涂地。成绩无非是在中下游到中下游之间回荡。对于地理永远处于爱恨交加的两头,时而爱不释手,时而弃若敝屣。 两年住校,两年在家,也算是满载而归。不得不承认在宿舍的那两年是大学生涯里屈指可数的乐趣之一,算是一种可遇不可求的体验。尚若少了那两年,又会有谁能料到一个截然不同的人生? 四年是一个说快不快,说久也不久的时间段。所有体验到的得与失,学会的利与弊,遇到的 善与恶 都一点一滴地构成了我今天的思维与判断方式。四年前,我乳臭未干,四年后 我仍旧涉世未深。对于将来,我还有很多地方想要改变与提升。过去已过去,未来还未来。 祝 自己永不言败。 May you turn your face toward the Sun and let the shadows fall behind you.