
Showing posts from June, 2017

Plane Ride

'It's all about context, it's always about context. ' This has been coming up to me a lot lately as I have been hooked by the Newsroom drama series the past few days. Two movies and three episode of Newsrooms and four toilet breaks later, I'm another ten hours away from New York, after departing from HongKong five hours ago. This is a holy mother long ride, at least for me. And it seems like we are about to pass the International Date Line soon, somewhere between Emperor Seamounts and Chinook Through, places I have unheard of, but again, there are many things that I'm oblivious to every day. Learning is a lifelong journey as they say. Isn't the IDL an interesting subject to think about? Like an invisible, socially constructed 'line'? That decides when do you wake up, go to work or announce its dinner time everyday. That you can actually 'time travel' through it, living the same day same hour again at the other side of Earth. Scie...