Hola moolah!
Yay hello blogger! I'm in a mood for a short post tonight after Pole dance. ( To which I have yet to share much on this I guess despite been learning it since late 2014, always felt that I'm not good enough to speak about my experience yet cause it felt like I didn't achieve much, so another time maybe when I feel more confident to share a video or two. ) Anyway gonna do a self reflection on money and spending tonight, the topic sparked off as I was on the train back with a pole dance friend and she was mentioning that she pays $160 for her gym membership monthly and I thought of how am I going to manage my finance when I start to work officially in a year's time. Not too early to start planning isn't it? Just a brief rewind back in time I was never disciplined when it comes to money matters. I was never able to save up almost all my life, even till today. During the primary school days I secretly scooped out all the coins my mum has been putting into the ...