
Wide awake, due to (over) sufficient of sleep on the average of twelves hours since the start of the week. To sleep is such a blessing, but not waking up ever again is not. The other day I was telling tan how I think becoming a tree is a nice idea after I die, and I asked how about him, he responded with 'I think it's better to not die.' Whilst I'm very sure he meant nothing philosophical behind his answer but I thought of it as a good motto to live up to. That it's to live a best life now, and that brings us back to living in the moment . Did not feel the need to blog lately because nothing significant happened, or any particular lessons I have learnt. Life has been like a routine, studying at times, watching Adventure times at other times, sleep during the remaining time. For a moment it seems like I have found the balance in life, though not yet a definite purpose. Short term goal in my little universe now is to secure an internship for the upcoming holiday,...