Moving on.

I'm really glad that you have change for the better, sort of like feeling happy for an old lost friend. And this is probably the first time ever that I actually carry out a casual conversation with you. And I'm glad so. But well this made me found guilty for saying the things I've said before,long long time ago. People should honestly refrain from saying things that they know it wouldn't come true. Oh yeah this advice is probably best for myself.

It kind of bothers me that I'm affected by people's comments recently, I mean it's good that the words make me think through but I suggest that this isn't the best time to reflect upon it. My fading into the wall plan is failing sigh. But egoistic mode needs to be on soon.

55 days, nuff said.

Agh, this is such a awkward in between post with my birthday post part II that's remaining as a draft still. Alright I'll touch up soon.

And I can't wait for the short breakaway with my camera on Friday. Areoplane wait for me! :')


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