
Showing posts from March, 2012


On the road to success, Failure is only a detour. :] 三个月,足以见证一个奇迹。 突然间的,想狠狠地付出,在得到回报时,微笑着感谢自己。 从今以后,再也不允许自己自暴自弃。 这场仗,才刚开始。

I'd probably be happy, forever.

In love with the song I won't give up by Jason Mraz ever since I first hear it via Ali's Ipod on mrt today.  He always sing great love songs I must say, and personally I enjoy them much more than those Dj/clubbing songs. Anyway just a sum up of my pretty wonderful holiday, almost 99 percent of chillax and fooling around. I spent so much time playing such that I din't even have enough time for sleeping the whole holiday, but here come the Sunday yo ;) I've decide to enjoy it all I could afford, perhaps the last decent holiday before the As end this year. Now welcome to the trackback of my past week life:  Went to parkway to do the Children- artwork thingy right after the paper on Thursday. ( And oh since we mentioned about exams, I'm sorry that I have no comments for the common test and there's nothing else I could ask for, sub-pass for physics and geography and decent E for the rest of the subjects, oh and perhaps a C/D for math since I have not go belo...

Culture clash.

Since the Gp tuition was focusing on difference between eastern and western, I kind of got interested in it and went into some in depth research about the culture clash. And I find these artwork by Yang liu , a German-Chinese artist. Really amazing how she illustrated all these differences with different and understandable images. There are more at   Just feel free to take a look (: A picture speaks a thousand words indeed.  And so sometimes I wonder, if the western way of doing things are in fact better, should we abandon the rigid eastern way of thinking ( which people may perceive you as step-ahmoh ) or should we stick with our culture simply because we are, Asians?

Where there is love, there is life.

不要问幸福是什么。那只是一种感觉。 有时因为满足,有时由于牵挂,有时是一个微笑。 我们在人生的路途中用享受的心态面对一切悲欢离合, 人生并不是很长,用心的写好每一个字,用诚挚走好每一步阶梯,不要寻找。 我们在幸福的路上。 Alright, Common test one just ended a few hours ago, not much elements of excitement cause I personally feel that I don't deserve a so called holiday and take a rest because I jolly well know that I did not even put in the minimal effort I should have into it. If I did not treat it like a serious test, why should I go on for a vacation then. But, that's just what I say, never what I did. I already had awesome plans for the holiday hahaha le sigh to the human contradictory. However I will put aside time to study, yes.  Well this blog isn't gonna be on the routine education complains but just perhaps a chain of summarize on some little joyful happy moments in life recently, apart from the stressful school work. ( And I think it is in fact biased for me to say it's stressful cause it's actually perfectly kope-abl...