when did mi & 乳猪 bcm so LES? :X opps.
Showing posts from May, 2008
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squirrel~ wooz so cute! [ y nvr look at cam? ] `lalas r they penguins? [ LOL ] 小白菜 [ qianying ] de bdae present from eunice x3 druing de BBQ? [ 奶茶 extra? jkin! ] hmmm..[ emoing? ] so SHORT! [ leon jin i saw u at de ZOO! ] eeeee...[ all sleeping derh ] er can u see de 2 monkeys ?[ their BUTT`r purple !] er focus on de turtle/alligator [ up to u luhs ] WOOs my HELLO kitty pen used during de ZOO [ diao ?] hippo~ radom pic [ EXTINCTION IS FOREVA ] actualy its EATING de SHIT [ budden when i took de pic-it TURNED ] can u spot de ZEBrA in de [ BLACK&WHITE ] pic? de onli tym i 糊 during de whole damn game [-.-] val gibb 小白菜 derh bdae present x3 [ hazel`s despo for it] so KAWAII de sign in de ZOO [ ahs shld have things liddat ] whur is de POLAR! [ cheat my feeling] er is tat suppose to be deer? [ shld be ] okie tats abt it lols :X so freakin sian when it comes to upload photos den juz now 红皮乳猪 called mi :( dum dum make mi think of wat happened 2day again urgh freak!
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`lalas been so tired these few days :) npCHALET.ZOOlala.cca.CHALET[again]CCA. yeap tis is wat i call kee siao lyk i went to fren de chalet ysd nite til so damn LATE :) so freakin tired! n is lyk 2dya gt CCA luckie sia wasnt reali veri tired today :X anw ysd is fun :) seriously peepo are crazy man! :D de bdae gal kana alot thing sia. pathetic :X she go inside de dustbin den ppl throw a mixture of [chicken wing-hotdog-prawn-coke-orange juice-ice-otah-BEE HOON-veggie] onto her.into de dustbin.. :D oh my gosh is lyk WOW. de other peepo frm other chalet were lyk all lookin at us luhh :D so after all.its super funnnnnnnn ! :D so i rch home super lateeeeeeee :( so my laobu is super pissedddddd :X so she went to sleep o.O n den 2day.well evyone noe wat happen i dun wan tok much too hueva de fault hueva de attitute hueva de misunderstanding wateva anithing :)
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BAC.my dear blog.did u miss mi? i dint realli miss u OPPS. :) but u noe wat i stil urve u lotz pill0w@bs okie com into de main subjects supposingly i`ll upload fotos budden for now. im LAZY wooz so l8r luhhs... lets start from DAY ONE is lyk so hard to find oh please? or maybe is ii blur? o.O cox i pass by de place at FIRST den i overshot.(well im in CAR) den we go in loop & loop & loop.. de wheels on de bus go round & round.round& round.all de way to town~ rmber tis?last year sibei POPULAR derhh LOLs. anw 20mins later....... i saw hazel de face WOOZ sorrie luhh sabo u stand there feed wen zi so LONGGGG~ den eat.`walala i miss de CHAOfan! :X lols den after tat o.O errr wat we did?GOSH i 4gt. budden anw we eat.watch tv.sleep. NO we DINT slp.i mean MANDY & JO & MI atleast. we slept at FOUR am.gosh. yeap lets focus on TAT. we tok n tok dint noe we can tok soooo much. tsk LICIA Y ARNT U THERE? ur laopei so BADDIE. nvm anw den urgh i dun feel lyk post out evything w...
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walala woke up by SOMONE's msg tmd if not now i`ll be sleeeping sweetly. nvm wateva :) im a kind pillow u see anw 2day npCHALET day :D y start so late erh! nvm. ysd laobu ask mi pack up liao budden well i dint yet.:X duno wat to bring lahh i wan cope ppl de shampoo & etc etc cox mine soooo BIG derh lo.. budden ofcox i `ll bring my own TOOTHBRUSH luhh..:X hahas. anw as i was saying ... i wan go maple awhile :) if no one on9 den afk there bleahx :X brb blogggg :)
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okie i shall now elabrate(duno hwo spell) more abt ysd :D `walala simply so fun & shiok fers..er..i forget. den er...i oso forget... okie nvm.make it de simplest form. i went to clake quay in de morning n compass poin after tat n played baminton wiv jasmine n her fren n her fren de fren which is veri fun cox after tat her fren jio her n i was being veri extra asked her to put loudspeaker n he actually biao bai in de phone n i was veri extra yet pretending i wasnt listening muahahaha :D so yeap they were steadin now :X lols im so crappy. actually if i were to post ysd it will be much longer n funnier. budden cox now i 4gt most of it ler lo so...its soo lame n boring budden believe mi its veri fun! hahas.lets see de sheldule(duno hwo spell) of my holi roughly ofcox. 26-28 may- npCHALET 27 may- ZOOlala 28 may - CCA TMD JUZ NOW TYPE HALFWAY DEN saw licia on9 den i wan tok to her den i accidentally step on my comp wire den de comp shut down -.- den i restart again KAOS. okie as i was sa...
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lols.tuo pi til nvr go sch :X walala.den juz now sumone in msn tell mi wat a cher saw mi hug a guy? den snr wan tok to mi.. kee siao tsk tsk =X hahas. anw wateva :D urghh..de CHAODA pillow is soo ugly now lo :X 2mr morning need go raft thingy den after tat playing badminton wiv jasmine woos too bad weiting still grounded by her laobu opps. juz now as i was mapling.den saw junming add a bl call NAMOBUDDHA or sumthing liddat. nearly laugh lyk siao. such a BEAUTIFUL & sweet & innocent name loh.. sumore ask wat.namo.u gt helm?? as well go ask BUDDHA.u gt helm?? HAHAs. okie wateva. supposingly im sad.. budden juz now get cheered up by u peepo. thanks alot! :D
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bac.de CHAODA pillow is currently in her 脱皮 stage. wat de hell.:X 2mr ii wdun wan go sch luh. anw was helpin out de raft competition juz now in sch lols.wivxiao zhen zhu & mogu & aunty :D okie i gt nothing much to say 2day. i wan finish watching `freedom writer :X oya ysd nite.im so pissed off. n den so i was lyk crying can. den my laobu outside my room watching her CJ7. walao.she on til so damn loud luh.. den is lyk de movie alot scenes taken at constuction site. is damn noisy can.. budden mi de CHAODApillow kindly waited till de movie is over. lyk its alrdy 1 plus?.. den i oso cry till tired ler.decide to slp. den at abt 3 am.downstairs ppl watching de dum soccer was lyk cheering?screaming?or watesoeva lah. they tok til so damn loud lo.as if no one is slping liddat. -__- 2pid coffee shop lah.tv y muz gt tat 2pid channel lah. if dun hav d en they will guai guai go home liao lo... zzz... okie wateva den fialy 3.30 i went back slping. sweetly~ dating wiv zhou gong x3 den 5am.-__...
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i simply love tis photo.her smile.brighten up my heart. it has been more than one week after de terrible earthquake. these few days i hadnt reali been thinking abt it. well.im in singapore.not china.so it got nothing to do wiv me.right? as i was surfing to juz look around.more abt de earthquake. i came to a site den saw de words. 你不 一 定要知道他们是谁 也不一定要记住他们 但你一定要知道他们是我们的亲人 i actualy stunned den cried. not onli sorrow.but touching too. lookin at all de pictures.sacrificing.everything.all bcox of LOVE i start to hate myself for giving a dun-care attitude these few days. yea rite.we belong to de same family.always. i swear if im a adult now. i will go to si chuan n just take a look at all people.all friends 有很多让我感动地方,那些让人感动得落泪的镜头和照片…… 那些让我们熟悉过的语言,可是当这一切真的如此真切地让我们感受到的时候, 所有的所有都是真的,可是却也有了更加深沉的内涵。 its juz so real.happening right now.in china.my own country. out of so much touching scenes.storys. i just reali get touched by two of them. im not tat noble.i noe i'll nvr be tat gudd. but they...
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bac from sch.2day de sch delay-ED alot. fers is de assembly.budden its CUTE lah.. hahas. den de ZOO thingy need stay bac awhile. as wee wee gav a short briefing for it. lols followed by de np meeting.abt e Crime Prevention. dne is lyk im in a rush cox my xy say she coming at 4.right infront of de doorstep. so i left early.n chiong-ed.-.- den as i was lyk OH SHYT+ing cox im late liao she called mi n say. i'll be late.rching at abt 8pm.......-.- im lyk OHHHH... -.- WELL WAT THE HELL. she juz called mi AGAIN n say. i'll pick u up on thursday.......-.- gosh.i hav to stay at laobu house for 2 more godly days. wateva lo... den hmm..pearlyn no FBT for u in de nxt 2 days tym since im nt goin bac to tpy lols. as i was saying... er whur am i. shyt i suddenly feel veri emo.. OMG.is lyk all of a sudden can.. can som1 chat wiv mi pls?... i feel so alone urghhh.crap lah.. get bac to normal junting u must get bac to normal. u r so off track now COME BACK. f.screwed can i trust u when u say...
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bac.safe.heng. okie wateva.2day is lyk so bored. wanted to slack in bedok de cafe whole day so i veri early went off n wan to cope a nice seat. den i realise if de library is closed.den de cafe isnt open neither. tsk tsk =x so ii took 17 to pasir ris :D den walk ard & ard whitesand. so NOT bored.. den aiya dun wan say ler. its quite screwed up wateva lah..ii now veri veri LOW.. shyt. to prevent myself frm getting emo i decide to end de post. 从前从前有个人爱你很久 但偏偏风渐渐把距离吹得好远
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bac from 2nd day kayaking :X im now 80% roasted :X lols.wan have a bite? it's finger licking gudd kay? :D anw suppose to go out budden in e end due to blah blah its canceled.. :P better stil. cox am damn tired now n just now is lyk wat the.. ii die die rch my house de door den ii dun wan open de door myself cox im too tired. so i sit outside my door n w8 for my laobu to notice mi. n she is busy doing duno wat n she dint see mi so i decide to call her hp. den she com out from her room walk past de door yet she nvr saw mi [am i tat tiny? -.-] den she pick up de phone n... she:hello? mi:help mi open de door~ she:ohh whur u ler? mi:beside de door.. she:HUH?? den she finaly tilt her head.look str8 down. n finaly saw mi lying there. den she was lyk hp no need $$ ho?veri free ho? glad she opened de door for mi :X thankx lah. den im too tired so i struggled on de floor all de way to my sofa. den i roll onto it. den i die lols :X den cox teddy bear was msging mi.. so mi as a gudd gal i ...
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well bac home :X tired :x too tired den no tym & mood think abt things these few days alot unexpected things happen. good things.bad things.lame things.WOW things. okie nvm. de more i look at myself now. de more i miss BLACKchoco/halfCOOKED beef steak/ROASTEDpig lols all food..-.- wateva dun wan post liao go see peepo de blog :D
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bac from fers day kayaking fun but tiring. tiring but fun fun & tiring wateva. atleast it occupied my mind so tat u r away for de day :X budden anw its reali fun fers tym kayake lols tot i'll be lyk a luo tang ji well actualy i wasnt hehe :D anw im lyk here roasted lo n its half cooked one side red one side white..-.- so nice color combine lo i wan go watch movie lo budden look at de tym is lyk sure no tym ler so i decide to stay in de cafe till 7 den go home :X yeap ffrom de above sources u shall conclude tat im in library now :D shall post more when i get home l8r ur msg tells alot of wat u feel.sorrie
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well.nothing to do. so i shall post my RESULTS out english summary 17/25 compre 9/25 chinese compo 49/70 si han 11/20 paper 2 74.5 64.5/90 math 61-2 /80 science 76/100 history 59/100 totally diaoed by my hist. freak i studied so damn hard n in e end wat i get. HELL NOES all my effort had flushed down wiv de toilet lols.-.- hell noes wat i'm doing now. actually im nt veri sad wiv de dum dum result budden..... nvm...-.-
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chi result get bac i hate tweety bird lah y must she break my heart by gibbing mi 74.5/90 in e fers place.. den after ii counted again.. overjoyyed den i realise she counted wrongly its suppose to be 64.5 im lyk so heartbroken can? n ofcox as a gudd gal. i told her...ofcox. im damn regret after seeing her change my mark to de dum dum 64.5 KAOS. 2mr is np day :D so glad my class gt 4 np gals x3 last yr i was all alone can -.- okie nvm :D cya all my dear np gals 2mr i lurve euu all x33
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bac.tiring.budden once again.fun :D thkx alot > woos. watched iron man > ate ichiban :D eat popcorn til scare =.= after all.blurr sotong hahas.no matter is euu gu yi drive wrong way or reali [K K ben] drive wrong way. thk alot :D reali abit nei jiu when i eatin budden nvm :D cox seeing ur face dun make mi nei jiu animore lols.isnt it a gudd thing? ppl WONT feel nei jiu when they see euu lols.anw dun emo marh.:X tho euu TRIED to deny hehes. wateva :D thx for de ichiban thx for de movie thx for all de POPCORN =.= (no more pls) TIRED!my laobu kee siao stil TRIED to tch mi math when i rch home. -.- ofcox.i protest.n she giv in. heng ar :D take care all exam's over eeu see. wats w8in for us is lyk LOTS N LOTS OF FUN&FREEDOM
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can ii lyk kill myself? i'm reali reali abit kee siao i guess.. after sending licia som weird weird msg.. wonder wat she'll reply mi l8r. n anw i decided to gibb up on osmosis&diffusion n focus on other chpters since after spending 3hrs on it. i still dun get wat de whole chpter is abt. my knowledge for tat chpter is mainly ZERO pathetic.DOOMED. if 2mr de qns mostly on osmosis i can jolly well kill myself after de exam. well im well-y prepared to do so.i guess. gosh.instead of focusing on rest of de chpters im here. once again&again&again. infront de comp.blogging. i sux at bio.or isit chem?wateva it is. osmosis & diffusion will screw my whole exam paper. well.im 绝望+ing now. nothing.no one can save mi now. spending too much tym focusing on hist n caused de nxt 2 days in a metally kee siao state is not worth at all. does anione get wat i mean? i dun even noe wat im doin now. to see de tym pass by.non-stopping. wasting all de hrs.mins.secs. noeing de fact tat my s...
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i reali kee siao ler. noeing tat de fact of i duno anithing abt sci yet im here rite infront of de comp. blogging sure enuf tat onli i cna be so slack in de whole sec2 seriously.shyt. i wonder how regret i will get on monday after i get saw de exam paper.stunned? wateva.my zhutou kanna fever. veri serious de fever.=x n complainin tat wan go qu si ler...:X haiiyo...take care marh.. 2day whole day wasted. oh gosh.wat am i doing.:X can sum1 tell mi ....
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bac after math tuition :X juz now playing maple happily den my laobu saw.wiv her heart of gold she volunteer to provide FREE MATH TUITION for mi :X pathetic n it juz overed.. its 11pm lo.> T.T i was plannin tat i shall use comp 2day n chiong ofor nxt 3days tho i had gotten enuf of torture after memorising 4days of hist. budden no chioce. wateva :X
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omg.my blog.my comp. it had been so long. since i last touched euu. i miss u so much. well hist&chi is over. wow.feel lyk it had been a century since i start study but in fact its onli 4days. 2day after de exam i just feel lyk de whole damn mye is over. kee siao..went to tm after tat wiv sammie n pearlyn. kinda fun :D next tym i wan go eat ROTI PRATA again :D den i was sayin a joke. n sammie dint realise is a joke. so she take it seriously. n so pearlyn said to her. dun believe junting lah.she is a 大骗子 n well u see.i tot she say dun believe junting lah.she is a 大便纸 lols.diaoed budden nvm :X hahas wateva. den pearlyn bought a earing for her mother x3 for mothers' day. swwet :D i wanted to buy sumthin for my xy budden once agian. LAZY 2day i decide not to study not a single thing. tho i noe tat i'll regret lyk siao 2mr. budden ya.i decided.not to study a thing. yeap i said it.wiv regret.
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n finally i finished my poem. woos a simple& sweet p3 standard poem tat end wiv rose are red violet are blue sugar is sweet and so are u abit er...diao.. budden nvm finaly settled. :] asked zhutou help mi write a poem he die die say FOR MY OWN GUDD n den dun wan help mii go play dum dum CS tmd :X wateva i finished myself.bleahx!
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kee siao couple.. look de fers two ppl in e list lols.sweet anw. den we 3 in one conver. i duneven noe hu 's tokin lo.. anw licia called mi she del her blog. OIC... oya hope no one notice at de btm of tis pic.. there is a mf on child abuse poem.. -.- yea im trying to copy.. lols.NO ONE SEES IT. im sure :X
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back after mapling :D finally de zhutou call mi back at 8 plus. den we tok tok tok till just now. my battery finally.dead. =x lols.im such a crapper.so is zhutou :D going study.yea.im going to STUDY. u dint see wrongly.im junting. and i say i going to STUDY. omg wow i changed rite.thkz :X saw sherrie on9 just now. budden she keep dao mi -.- she gudd..=.= ysd is so sweet of euu
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back postin quite early isnt it?.. :D i lurve euu my blog.i lurve friendster too o.O yi jiao ta liang chuan tsk tsk =x lols lame nvm anw ysd dum dum zhutou say wat 2day morning call him up go play maple. and so.mi.de kind soul 2day 6am wake up go play maple n start call n call yet.. de zhutou is still sleepin lyk a si zhu -.- hu was actually saying tat MY RINGTONE VERI LOND.SURE CAN HEAR DE.-.- i wonder hu ar...n since i had woke up so long ago. i cant fall bac slp.al ur fault.=.=
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kinda bored.chi lesson. wiv tweety bird walkin ard in de comp lab cant write much. anw licia oso blogging beside mi :D i realise de alicia x3 & shihao x3 looks lyk they r a pair -.- so i decide to make it junting x3 & shihao x3 lols okie nvm lame :X suppose to do chi hw on web budden mine cant log in so thus i cant do.. belive mi i wanted to do de reali budden de comp lah.haiyo... too bad :D
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back blogging after abundon(duno how spell) tis blog for a few days?.. changed blogskin.after realising tat de skin dint reali look nice view in IE&MF lols..=x now den i realise =.= nvm its better late than nvr.. so tym dint stop.and it actualy flies.. paper1 ended.. quite screwed up. cox somthing 2pid happen on de day b4 exam.. and thus i slept at 3am tat nite. and thus i fall aslp during de exma de nxt day.. regarding wat it is abt dun reali wan to say .. lazy to think abt it. since it had past.just wanna thk alicia x3 and shihao x3 for consoling mi..thx^^ i luv both of euu..and ofcox lotz ppl more :D den after de exam is lyk as if de whole damn exam is OVERED and mi.sammie.sherrie.940 eugenia n jax went to tm.=x lj(s) went there too.. and i duno wats wrong wiv it but he keep ask mi.. JUNTING.Y R U WIV THEM TOO?I TOT U WERENT IN TIS GRP? -.- hello brother.cant i be there?..and y r euu there too? and anw.is lyk hahas.mi n 940 is facing each other.. furtherest from lj(s).so wheneva...