
Showing posts from July, 2018

Arc and crate

The world is your oyster, they said. As mentioned briefly in my earlier post in Mar, I have been toying around the idea of setting up a earring blogshop. And I'm semi glad to say that this idea did not fade off with time and I did indeed, launched the website   last weekend, after much procrastination and preparation, I don't even know if it's adequate or not. Having to sparkle off the idea was easy, choosing which earrings to bring in wasn't difficult either,  in fact I don't think it was strategic at all, it was solely reliant on what I predict should be appealing with a lil relation to the trends/color themes for the popular clothes blogshops. But what comes after the shortlisting of products took up a great deal of my time. From choosing the right (read: affordable and pretty ) packaging, to taking product photos, to eventually rolling out the website and currently the social media advertising are not so easy on the other hand. It forced me to make decisions...